Its all just one big Scary Movie Site

Hi! Welcome to Its all just one big Scary Movie's Site Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) page. Here all you questions get answered without you having to e-mail me and wait for me to get back to you with an answer. Its also easy on me-it'll save me from having to write 100's of e-mails a week. Now, if there is an answer to a question here and you still e-mail me with it-I wont write you back. Sorry, but the whole reason for me putting this here is to save the trouble of all that. If your question isn't answered though, please e-mail me and I'll do my best to answer. Alrighty, lets get on to the answers! Newer ones can be found at the bottom of the page!

(These questions are in no specific order.)

Has your e-mail address changed?
Yes!! Send no more mail to:!! That address doesn't exist anymore! Any mail sent to that address after the 30th of August will NOT be read or answered!! Any mail sent before so will be responded to in time. Until I get my new account up, please send all mail to:!!

1.) Can I write a fan fiction for your site?
Sure! Anyone can write a fan fiction for this site-the only requirements is that it must have something to do with Scream-be it about the first Scream, the second Scream, the third Scream, about any characters in them or and Scream hereafter-thats all I ask. When you do write it-send it to my e-mail address and I'll post it. If you know HTML and you put the proper tags in it-that would be greatly appriciated and also will get your story on-line faster.

2.) Who wrote the first fan fiction on your site,
and how to I get into contact with him?

His name is Chris and you can contact him at
This is the most requested e-mail address I get out of all of my fan fictions

3.) Can I use pictures from your site?
That depends. You can't use any banners at the top of my pages, the eye graphics and a few others-these graphics dignify my site from the rest. If you want to use any other graphics though, e-mail me, tell me which you'd like to use-and if I tell you its all right to use them-simply save them into your directory, no linking from mine, and add a disclaimer from where you got them. If I do come across your site and you have information from my site or pictures from my site and you haven't asked or don't have a disclaimer on your site, I'll have to e-mail you and ask to take it down. I'm sorry but it took me ages to ge this site to even work properly to have people steal material.

4.) I live in another counrty and none of the Scream movies are out on video here yet--if I send you money will you buy one for me?
I'm sorry, but theres just no way I can do this. I know it might sound that I'm just being ruse-but I do have limited time and if I went out and bought everyone tapes and then shipped them off-I would never have time to update this site.

5.) Where do I find the Casey, Neve or Courtney,
Deluxe or wide-screen versions of Scream?

Well, since there are different stores everywhere, I can't exactly tell you. What I can tell you is the places I've seen them at, but this is no garuntee you'll have the stores or that they'll carry them in that area. I've seen them at Best Buy, Blockbuster (previously viewed tapes that is), Suncoast, any department store like Target or Wallmart would most likely carry them.

6.) We dont have those places here, will you get one for me?
Read # 5.

7.) Whats Neve Campbell, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Skeet Ulrich, Courteney Cox, Matt Lillaird, Rose McGowan, Elsie Neal's or any other star that is in a movie thats on my site's e-mail or snail mail address?
Well, since this site is just a fan site-I do not know these things. You could try sites that specify in just those actors, they might be able to help you with fan mail snail addresses.

8.) Hey--I love your site, we have a lot in common! Want to be pen-pals with me?
As I said in # 5, I have very limited time and I barely have time to answer all the e-mails I do get per day much less update my site and write people on a constant basis.

9.) Are you just being a rude bitch when
you dont answer an e-mail that I send you?

No, if you sent me an e-mail, it probably got moved to another folder, got deleted on accident or never got here in the first place, it has been known to happen to me. If I dont get back to you in a week or so and its really important, e-mail me back, I'm sure to not miss it the second time around.

10.) Will you add my site to one of your links pages?
Sure, but it has to be of top quality though. Not to sound rude or anything, but there are so many Scream sites out there it frightening and most sites have the same thing over and over and over with the same pictures and information. If you dont have any new things on your site to make it different from the rest-why would any one want to visit it? You must have something unique or a great lay-out to get the link.

11.) Why didn't you add my Scream 3 rumor?
Well, I usually dont post rumors that fans send in, probably once and a while one that'll sound like its possible, but other-wise I dont put them up.

12.) How old are you, where do you live, etc?
All the personal information about me is in the page I created so I wouldn't get mail asking stuff like that. If you've missed the link on my main page you can go here, All about the Site Creator.

13.) Whats the latest news on Scream 3?
Well, if you are wondernig about that-go to the page made for just Scream 3 stuff HERE.

14.) Whats the latest news on another horror movie thats about to come out?
As with the Scream 3 page, I made a page just for that also. It can be found HERE.

15.) Where do you get all your info at?
Several different places. Newspapers, Magazines, other sites, friends...stuff like that.

16.) When are you going to add -a certain horror movie- to your More movies to make you SCREAM section?
I'll add movies to my More movies to make you SCREAM section as soon as I buy tham, which is quite often so at least check in there every month and look for new movies.

17.) Where can I buy the Scream Ghostface mask or costume?
Well, you should have gone and bought it durring Halloween, they were everywhere. Now I'd check in a local costume shop thats open year round.

18.) What kind of voice changer box was
that that they used and where can I get it?

Well, from what I've heard from a person that works in an electronical shop-they dont even make them and if they do-I have no idea where you cuold get one.

19.) Can you help me on my webpage I am making?
Making web-pages isn't just something someone can tell you how to do. You have to learn how to do it yourself. Besides, its different on every server.

20.) I only want to know how do you do the little things where im suppose to type the answer? I want to make a webpage and have trivia but I want it to be easy so that they dont have to write the answers down and send me email. I just want them to be able to press submit and send me their answers that way. Can you tell me how?
As I said above-I couldn't tell you how to do that because every server is different and you have to type in different things. Now, if you are using Geocities they have a page that tells you how and you can find that in with the file manager.

21.) How come all your letters are black and you have a black back-ground?
Well, thats because on my computer the lettering is white and on most other computers the lettering is white. There are just a few browsers out there that make the font color black and I've done everything to fix it-but nothing seems to work.

22.) Can you rent Scream Louder?
No, Scream Louder was an ametuer video made for Scream 2. It was made by regular people just like you and me and the only ones who can see it are those who buy it. To read more about it, got to my Scream Louder page.

So, has your question still not been answered? Well, e-mail me and ask me!

[I know what you did last Summer]

This page was last updated on August 29th 1998