The EXPERIENCE that shook my brain!

Yes, that was the question that first struck my mind when i saw the xray of my teeth with two horizontal impacted lower wisdom. I saw the xray about 2 years ago. Lets dad doesn't have wisdom teeth...neither does my mom...and neither does my brudder. small petite little 'ol me?

Wat can i say? Some things, you just can't argue with the Lord. If He wants me to have these wisdom teeth (and WAT A NAME!), i'll have them. So on to the surgery.

I remember my dentist saying that it should take only about 30 mintues. I took 1.5 hours...heh. see, there were complications as i would have it (actually i wouldn't have it...just a figure of speech ok?).

1. instead of needing just 3 or 4 injections of aenesthetic per side, i needed like...8 or 9? i lost count. you must be thinking i'm a whimp when it comes to pain...maybe...but my body apprantly doesn't accept the aenesthetic as quickly and effectively as should be. great huh.
2. Instead of having nice short roots...i had long ones. my dentist was pulling, drilling, levering to crack the teeth into smaller bits to remove the tooth. mine were long.
3. And lastly *phew*, the left tooth's root was curvy in a funny direction. sort of criss cross.

Okay, in case i scared you all to death...i wasn't that bad in retrospect. Something like wearing braces...when you want to do it, you have to be prepared to suffer through the aftermath and healing process in order to be able to enjoy the fruits of the labour of pain. Yeah. Now that mine's done...i still can't believe i did it. ha... There are a few more gruesome details...if you want to know, you ask me lah. hee...

Anyway, here are two pictures of my jaw. the one on the left was taken way b4 i had the operation. the one on the right is 1 day after. see my left jaw (right side of pic) is swollen and i wasn't smiling..then again, i couldn't. got bigger on day 2. I can smile now though =)) and the pain is gone and the swelling gone too. *yippie*

so that's that. i'm half as wise as i used to be. =) Boy am i glad that God didn't put our brains and wisdom into that calcificated piece of bone in the jaw...(and even if He did...i'm still the wisest in the family!!! Bwahahaha!!!)

Take care all! and God Bless!