Name: Chewbacca
Sexe: Male
Race: Wookie
Age: about 200 years
Height: 2.28 meters
Political Affiliation: New Republic
Weapon of Choice: Bowcaster
Vehicle of Choice: Corellian modified stock light freighter Millenium Falcon

His Life

Chewbacca is a two-meter-tall Wookiee who serves as first mate and copilot on the Millennium Falcon. Over two hundred years old, Chewbacca has spent his last few decades at the side of Han Solo. Like all Wookiees, Chewbacca is covered in shaggy fur and communicates in a series of grunts, growls, and terrifying roars. He is extremely strong, even for a Wookiee. His deep friendship with Han Solo (who fondly calls him "Chewie") has only intensified over the years. Either would gladly die for the other.
Chewbacca comes from the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk. His weapon of choice is either his massive fists or his bowcaster; both can cause a considerable amount of damage. Besides being a top-notch pilot, Chewbacca is also a mechanic with no small amount of talent. He constantly works to repair and upgrade the Falcon, and he has been known to put severely damaged droids back together. The mighty Chewbacca is used to having a price on his head. He has been marked as a runaway slave and known smuggler by the Empire, chased by bounty hunters working for crime lords, and wanted by the Emperor because of his involvement with the Rebellion. Though brave and powerful, Chewbacca sometimes succumbs to fear. He is especially frightened by things he cannot shoot or rip apart. He likes to win, has a well-developed sense of humor, and a huge appetite, behaves very protectively toward his friends, and is equally at ease aboard an advanced space vessel or in the giant trees of his home planet. His father Attichitcuk, is a well known wookiee, and his sister, Kallabow belongs also to the resistance. He get married with Mallatobuck and has a chil called Lumpy. He loves a game called Dejarik, also spelled Djarik; this is the game that Chewbacca played while on the Millennium Falcon. C-3PO and R2-D2 faced him in that fateful match. The dejarik, or holochess, board was installed in the Falcon by Chewie himself in order to pass time on long hyperspace travels. Chewbacca had been playing the game since he was a kid, and he was an extremey skilled dejarik player. But when he lost, he became furious. His best childhood friend Salporin knew better than to play dejarik with Chewbacca. Han Solo warned C-3P0 about Chewie's tendency to rip people's arms out of their sockets when they lose.
Chewbacca acts as the conscience of his friend and partner, Han Solo. He often convinces solo on a course of action, giving voice to the honor and sense of justice that sometimes hide in Solo's heart. It was the mighty Wookiee who made Solo realize that he had to stand beside his friends at the Battle of Yavin, and it was the Wookiee who was charged with protecting Princess Leia after Han was captured and encased in carbonite. Through his adventures with the Rebellion, the legend of the mighty Chewbacca has grown. His promess was especially effective during the Battle of Endor, whre he helped rally the Ewoks into a fighting force to be reckoned with. His actions helped turn the tide of the battle and allowed the Rebel strike team to disable the shield generator protecting the second Death Star. Chewbacca has been many things over his long life--including slave , smuggler, and Rebel hero. Little is known of his life before he hooked up with Han Solo. At an early age, he exhibited a natural talent toward mechanics, piloting, and all things of a echnical nature. He knows Wookiee hand-to-hand combat techniques, and is proficient with the Wookiee bowcaster. He left his world at an early age to see the galaxy, and was happy learning new skills and visiting strange and wondrous places. Then the Empire was established, and the bad times began. Since he was away from his homeworld, Chewbacca was unaware that Kashyyyk had been turned into a slave-labor planet by the Empire. Wookiees were declared a slave species, and it was illegal for free Wookiees to travel the space lanes. Slavers captured Chewbacca and he spent time performing heavy labor. It was only through the intervention of a young Imperial officer named Han Solo that Chewbacca found freedom. Solo destroyed his military career to free the wookiee, and Chewbacca immediately decided he owed the Corellian a life debt. He followed Solo around for a long time before the Corellian decided to accept his Wookiee shadow. Their association soon developed into a deep friendship which continues to this day.

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