Despite it's old appearence of Corellian battered cargo, the Falcon is not the standard model YT-1300.

Her story were marked by her successif owner included Lando Calrissian before this one loose it in a famous Sabacc game in favour of Han and Chewbacca.
With a lenght of 27 meters, the Falcon have unexpected improvement which impeed the vessel's capabilities.

Able to reach point five beyond lightspeed, she is one of the fastest non-Imperial vessels currently in use and owes much of her power availability curve to a vast array of unregistered and normally incompatible computer and thrust system modifications. The majority of the unlicenced and largely unrecommended components in place aboard the Falcon were installed and fine tuned by Solo and Chewbacca, once these items had been obtained through many of the unusual sources in the smugglers' network. These same Modifications have given the Falcon more "personality" than most ships; on more than one occasion Solo has repaired or activated a system simply by banging on a bulkhead.
The Millennium Falcon's power, propulsion, and computer network arrangements require a constant maintenance schedule that keeps her repair and adjustment time at a level nearly twice the ship's flying time. Solo regards the trade-off as well worth it, for more than once his life has been saved by his ship's speed and extreme maneuverability. A beefed-up hyperdrive system is at the core of the Falcon's increased speed, which is well above the lightspeed plus point one capability of the standard Corellian YT-1300. Four fuel slug tanks in the ship's power core give her an increased range, even at extreme speeds and engine temperatures. While repairs to her various systems must usually be performed each time the ship lands, she refuels at an average rate of only once per month.
The Falcon's increased speed led to the need for a more advanced navicomputer than that of the standard YT-1300. Precise calculations are required for the complex hyperspace entry and exit procedures used by faster-than-light vessels, and the Falcon is no exception, Solo, Using an unconventional (and usually risky) combination of different starship and droid logic systems, has improvised a navicomputer processing matrix that not only works, but works well.

The celebrity of the Falcon come from her involvement in the destruction of the two Deathstar.
If you want to see two images of the Falcon attacking the second deathstar:

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