Chewbacca's planet is cover with a complex jungle made by several layers.

Kashyyyk is a large, habitable planet located in the Mid Rim, in the Kashyyyk system. It is far from the central trade lanes, so there are not many non-Wookiee visitors, although they do get traders occasionally. Not too many traders like going to the planet, as the Wookiees often lose their tempers during business deals that don't go their way. Kashyyyk has three silvery moons and four continents. Each layer (and there is seven level) is very different and the more it's closer to the ground, the more it's dangerous.
There is four different species of wookies, Chewbacca belongs to the rwook subspecies. Wookies are living in the most upper layer, on Wroshyrs trees. This trees reach sometimes 800 meters high. Wroshyrs from a same region come in fact from a same tree that had several different trunks.
Wookies villages don't look like primitive one but are complicated structures. The ground of this villages are made by big branchs of Wroshyrs, that can fuse with others.
Several houses are build directly inside the trunk of Wroshyr.
Rwookrrorro, one of their town, as a diameter of more than one kilometer ans is spread on several levels.
They extensively use products of their planet like the kshyy, which give tough cord, usefull to carry different stuff. Wookies like hunting the kroyies, who is a really good Kashyyyk's bird.


Wookies, the habitants of the jungle planet Kashyyyk are a species who live in trees. This species can walk like humans but they prefer using their four members to move in trees.
Wookies have a shiggy fur which can have different colors. Their heads is between a dog and a monkey. They have powerfull fang, and an excellent smell. they also have retractibles claws, which enable them to hang well on branchs. They communicate with various growl, and it's very hard to speak this languages even for droids. They are two meters tall and can live approximatively 400 years.
This species is considered as the most powerfull in the galaxy and their honour code is famous. Litte is known about wookies themselves because their natural mistrust and what the Empire has done with their species.
Chewbacca is the most famous wookiees for his involvement in the rebellion with Han Solo.

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