Battletech / Mercenaries

Spartan Guards Regiments Page 5

Early Pegasus

RANKS of the SGR
Surface Troops Naval Colonel Commodre Lt. Colonel Sub Commodre Major Captain Captain Commander Lieutenant Lt. Commander Warrior 1st Class Lieutenant Warrior 2nd Class Lieutenant JG Warrior 3rd Class Ensign Warrior Cadet Ensign JG Command Sergeant Major Master CPO Sergeant Major Chief Petty Officer 1st Sergeant/Master Sgt Petty Officer 1st Technical Sergeant Petty Officer 2nd Staff Sergeant Petty Officer 3rd Sergeant/Specialist 1 Crewman 1st Class Corporal/Specialist 2 Crewman 2nd Class Guardsman 1st Class/Specialist 3 Crewman 3rd Class Guardsman 2nd Class/Specialist 4 Crewman 4th Class


"My command is made up of 'Kick Ass' men and women. I would accept nothing less..." Major Michael Lewis, CO 1st CAV Battalion, SGR.


The SGR engineers have long had disgust with some of the problems inherent to battlemechs as a whole and certain designs that have wallowed in anonymity due to their basic flaws. With this in mind the SS series of battlemechs came to be as a design effort and modification program to correct these glaring problems. Spartan mechs do not for instance retain their Stingers (rearward firing weapons) unless a very expensive multi-targeting computer system is installed. In most cases the weapons are removed all together and added to the forward firing armament. Lack of heatsinks prompted the retrofit of additional heatsinks and/or conversion to double heatsinks as standard on all mechs. On the Jagermech the ridiculous AC/2's were replaced with LRM 5's with a great realized savings in weight resulting in more armor and heat sinks and only dropping its maximum engagement range by a small margin. With the advent of double heatsinks the mech also gained more and better weapons. The 'SS' mechs are modified by the Spartan Guards Tech cadre at various factories wherever the unit is employed. Currently the SGR completes their modifications in Davion Space with the help of Dr. Bonzai at the NAIS, at Kallon Industries, and at Federated - Boeing Interstellar.

From Wence They Came

Towards the end of the Star League three Regimental Combat Teams were sent into the periphery to scout possible routes for a mass exodus, which was later staged by Aleksander Kerensky. Of the three RCT's, only two returned. The third was lost during a hyperspace jump on the voyage home and were presumed lost. The remaining RCT's made their reports to General Kerensky in June of 2784. The Imperial Guards RCT's left with the rest of the Star League Army in November of that same year. It is a popular belief that the Spartan Guards are the Lost RCT's descendants returned home. Supporting evidence of this theory is the types of mechs they use in the new condition they appear in,the ownership of a complete transport fleet,and their adherence to old Star League codes of honor and conduct. Also, the Imperial Guards RCT's were named 1)The Titans,2)The Olympians,and 3) The Spartans (the RCT that was lost). Even the casual observer must note this disturbing parallel. One thing is for certain, these regiments do not posses the kinds of criminals and pirates that the average citizen has come to expect in a mercenary outfit. In fact,they have impressed employers,civilians,and even their foes with their sense of honor and dedication to contract.

"My new Starslayer is Awesome!! The Cossacks sure do treat a mech jock right. The SGR Rocks!" Lt. Lars Sukhoi Lance Commander Kustinov's Cossacks SGR


I like the smell of Napalm in the morning, smells like, victory...

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