Well, I think the time has come. As of today (August 27, 2001) I am officially closing down the X-Philes Finis Romantics Society. Unfortunately my interest in the show and in fandom has dried up, and this website is far too much work to maintain for the pleasure I do or do not get out of it these days. I haven't been too speedy on updates either, so there will be little difference I suppose. :-) I'm also leaving the country for an extended time so I will be a). out of touch with the show and b). out of touch from my computer, so what better time than now?
I've met many wonderful people through the X-files, and for them I will always be grateful. To those who have been silent but supporting in visiting my site all these years, thank you too. It's been a wonderful experience these last four years (four years!!!), and I've actually have learned a lot--about the internet, about fans, about human nature, and how to kill a shape-shifting bounty hunter alien.
This site will remain where it is, more of an archive of past facts, pictures, and whatever content has accumulated here over the years. The discussion forum is also still open, so visit if you will. If there are still questions you have about the site--if there are stories of yours archived here that you'd like removed, please contact me at the email address below. I will be available, more or less.
On a final note--I think it's pretty appropriate to close this site, because as a Finis Shipper I think I (or shall we say, "we") have gotten the ending we wanted, don't you think?
So long, and thanks for the fish.
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