This is not the definitive Timeline to the evolution of Sci-Fi
on television
it is just what I have found. Additions are
welcome .
The Beginning
Twilight Zone
The Twilight Zone debuted
in 1959 as a way to scare people into nightmares. The Twilight Zone
was as you can see in black and white. The revovlving plot was basically
that people would come to self realizations at the end of the show, a sort
of moral. These pictures which were taken form the website
involve two different episodes. The clip on the right is when
the man notices something on the wing of his plane trying to halt the engines.
Of course no one else sees it so he is believed to be insane. The
clip on the right is about this man who goes through lief enjoying reading,
but can never find enough time to read all he wants. He soolves this
problem be killing off everyone with some sort of bomb or something.
He then goes to the library whose books are littered on what used to be
the street. He then breaks his glasses which he needs to see and
comes to the realization that he did have time to read after all.