Alien Legion Background

They are the scum of the universe. Footsloggers and soldiers of fortune, priests and poets, killers and cads. They are culled from the dregs of the sentient races of three galaxies, and battle-hardened into a fighting corps...

The Tophan Galactic Union, aka the TGU, aka the Union, is an alliance of three galaxies(Auron, Ophides, Thermor.) The Union represents the majority of known space systems and their sentients, and its primary enemy is the Harkilon Empire. Large, ugly, chitinous aliens, the Harkilons are utterly hostile and exceedingly ruthless. Their goal is to rule all worlds within their grasp.

A major portion of the Union's military might consists of the Alien Legion, a force composed of beings from a million worlds and species. The only thing holding all of these sentients together and keeping them functioning smoothly is battle. Due to their very nature, the members of the Legion aren't held in high regard...and Force Nomad (aka Nomad Squadron) is considered the bottom of the barrel. Many of Nomad's members are criminals who chose military service over prison sentences.

Inside these pages are my rendition of the Alien Legion for the Star Frontiers role-playing game. The stats are completely of my own whim based upon the comics which I still possess (unfortunatly that is only #1-11 of the first series). If you have better information, then by all means use it instead. I have tried to keep the characters along the lines of fairly begining level so that new PCs can interact with them without being dominated by them. A special thanks goes to Thomas Miller, who's site inspired me and who is the author of the summary sections and parts of all the character bios.

A listing of the files:

Some General Information
A List of the Alien Races
Character Creation
Character Sheet
Legion Organization
Summary of the First Series
Summary of the Second Series
Summary of the Various Miniseries
The Plot Line for Running the Comics
Game Stats for the Ships and Equipment
Harkilon Stats
Character Bios and Stats
Character Stats
Some Useful Links