The Value of Net Censorship in Our Society

Why We Need Censorship:

Lately, as always, there has been a great deal of controversy regarding attempts to regulate information on the World Wide Web. Though there are many opponents of the idea, I intend to demonstrate why censorship is an important, nay, an essential part of our society. There are two kinds of censorship, that exercised by the Government and that exercised by the parents. Because of widespread opposition to the former, I will take the path of least resistance and focus on the latter.

Parental censorship of the Net is every bit as important as parental censorship of movies and television. If parents are unable to control the information that their children recieve then those children will begin to formulate unacceptable opinions. Independent thought should always be discouraged in children, or else they might start to believe that they are the masters of their own destiny; the subsequent decay of authority would be all but unpreventable, given the fierce individualism bred by free thought. People who think independently of society often refuse to obey orders, believing that they have some special rights as human beings to live as they wish, rather than as the Government wishes them to. Obviously, no civilized society should allow independent decisions by its people, or else its power would be diminished.

Though the above concerns are serious, the long-term ramifications are far more disturbing. Without strict parental control over childrens' flow of knowledge, it would be impossible to teach religious and social beliefs to the next generation. Children with easy access to information soon begin to prize "truth" over faith. With experts of all subjects surrounding them, they would cease to honor their parents as sources of absolute truth, and teaching them blind faith would be all but impossible. Within a few generations the massive religious organs of the world would be nothing more than ridiculed footnotes in the history books. In addition, this quest for "truth" would forsake basic assumptions that we wish to pass on. Again, it would take only a few generations for all of our treasured ancient religious, social, and sexual taboos to vanish. A world without censorship would be a world without Christian Fundamentalist, Southern Baptists, and the KKK.

Clearly, free and unregulated information is one of the most dangerous tools of Satan in this era. Write your local congressman; support censorship before it's too late!

Help crush unconventional thought! The following sites will give you an excellent starting point in the war on nonconformity!

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This site is in no way affiliated with the above institutions, the American Civil Liberties Union, People for the American Way, Satan, or Billy Graham. Unusually high sarcasm content is contained herein; those with low humor-tolerance may wish to refrain from further reading. If you experience dizziness, lightheadedness, or attacks of rational thought while reading, immediately flush eyes with water, read a few passages from your holy book of choice, and consult your local parishoner.

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