
This is a small sampling of the various academic papers which I have written over the years. I have completed a combined Honours degree in History and Political Science and am presently working on my Masters in Political Science at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada.

Peace with a Price: US, UN and International Aid Organization Intervention in Haiti, 1990-96
Morality versus Money- Human Rights and Trade: Canada in Asia
North-South Relations: Evolution or Disaster
The Paradox of GATT: Damned if You Do, Damned if You Don't
IMF and the World Bank: Harbingers of Solvency or Collapse?
Nagorno-Karabakh: Inviolability versus Self-Determination
The CIAs Intelligence War in Chile: A Case Study in Covert Action
God's Diplomat: Eugenio Pacelli/Pope Pius XII
The Winnipeg Grenadiers- Hong Kong Dec. 6-25 1941
Man, the Fall and Progress: A Study Over Time
Johann Gottfried Herder's Impact upon Slavic Nationalism
A Critique of the "New Science" by Gambitista Vico
Review of "Ordinary Men" by Christopher Browning: Descent into Barbarity
Review of "The Family Romance of the French Revolution" by Lynn Hunt