Deadlines Header - 483x133,  19.1k

List Header - 450x90, 14.1k Mailing List Picture - 453x223, 64.7k

The Mailing List is Up
Well, at last the mailing list is back. We had heaps of trouble with the original server and now with exams over I have been able to get the list onto a new one. There are still a few rules to follow but they shouldn't be a problem.

I guess rules will develop as the mailing list gets older and if we need them. Now for subscriptions:

To subscribe to the list send mail to with

subscribe deadpool "your email address here without the quotes"

for the body. If you have trouble send email to me and I'll fix it up.


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Deadpool and all those lovely characters, including graphics, etc are all copyrighted to Marvel Comics.
The copyrighted elements are used here without permission, but as they are hopefully entertaining and informing,
we hope this is allowed.