ANd NOw FOr SOmetHing COmplEtely DIffeRent!

(a.k.a The Riddle of the 4 Doors)

And Now For Something Completely Different. It is a statement I've seen in ElfQuest more than once, and ties in with this brief interlude I had the sudden urge to make. Thats how my life operates, folks. On sudden urges. Anyhow, that was just to prove that this is not entirely irrelevant. Now, on with the show!!

1, 2, 3 or 4? Come now, choose one! Don't be shy! Choose a door! Three lead to doom, one just to getting a Large Garden gnome stuck down your throat by Basil Fawlty! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!(For you cheaters out there who are scarred of taking risks, here is the answer to the Riddle of the 4 Doors. Door 1-You are in an uncomfterble situation with a witch that ends with her turning you into a newt. luckily sevarl weeks later you recover. Unfortunatly when you tell your fellow townspeople about the evil witch who hides herself under the illusion of a beautiful maiden, all her many boyfriends who are ignoarnt of her true iddentety give you a good pumelling for saying their beautifull "friend" is a witch. Door 2-You get in an argument with the infamous Basil Fawlty who runs the hotel "Fawlty Towers," and the argumant turns into a fight that ends with you wlking away with a new item added to your list of the many exotic items you've either eaten, or had inserted into your body forcibly. A large garden gnome. Door 3-You have an encounter with the Knights who say Nee! and you meet your end there, nee!-ed to death. Door 4-One of your not-so-close friends betray you, and admit why they cannot let you out, but must give you three hours of WOO (With Out Oxegyn) instead!

Run as fast as you can away from this crazy place and Go Back to ElfQuest And Beyond

For those of you who I suckered into thinking there was a hidden message in the title because of the capital and lower case letters, your way to gullible! If I can get you to belaive something, anyone can! ;)

If I am violating any copy rights of Monty Python, Red Dwarf or Fawlty Towers, and you wish me to remove this material from my page or add an appropriate copy right notice, just e-mail me.

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