Welcome to the homepage of TRIBE, one of the first fans clubs dedicated to the one and only Cutter, chieftan of the Wolfriders, and my hero!!!!!!
In all respects Cutter is the greatest elf that has ever lived, and he deserves more credit than we lousy humans have been giving him! There have been pages dedicated to Strongbow, Nightfall, Winnowill, and even one for Arroree that have popped up while Cutter still had no presence on the net what-so-ever. But now, that changes!!!!! For, now Cutter will be heard!!! Fans of him will not be sileneced!!!!!
Okay, I'm calm now.
For a long time, Cutter has been the chieftan of the Wolfriders, and it is my hope he will continue to be. My guess is that he is the Master of the Palace of the High Ones (find out why!), and he will be for for quite sometime, so he is and will be, Chief of the Wolfriders. Now, back to what I was saying. His Brother in all But Blood is Skywise (my slightly less favorite character) and his secret Soulname is Tam. But, if you wanted to know who he is, you could look in the "Cutter 101" section, that's not what this is about. This is about gathering all fans of Cutter together in one place, one "TRIBE". Originaly, what I thought I'd do was have peple join and send them REAL mail, but then there are stamps and paper and I really wanted to keep this totally free, so that was out. Then I thought, "Hey, I can use this place called "GetReminded" and do it that way!" No-can-do. GetReminded does not send pictures, which I had hoped it would. Normal e-mail wouldn't help either, cause I hade a neeto little grphic that I just couldn't get to work with normal email. So, TRIBE is now all on-line. Those of you who have joined will have the terribly great honor of having your name under a little heading that says, "The Tribe." Anyhow, once again, welcome, and enjoy!

Cutter 101!!!
Find out whats new with everyones favorite Chief!
Fan art/fic of Cutter
A (soon to be) very large archive of Wendy Pini Cutter art
The Tribe

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