The Best Show in the World

I am proud to say that I'm the biggest Beast Wars fan on the face of the planet.Ever since monday may 26, 1997, I have officially seen every first season BeastWars episode that exists. If anyone else out there on the WWW can say the same, then write me and I will add your name to a world champion list.

So far these are the only people on my list:

2.Tyler Kipps
3.Jared Friedman
4.Laura Barret(missing one, but we can forgive her)
5.William Owens(and he's got all the toys too!!!)
6.Rohan Cambell
7.Big Brother
8.Gregory J. Knott
9.Mitchell Aldinger(he has also seen three of the new season's episodes)
10.David Bennett(and he's got them all on tape!!!)
11.Anton Smirnov
12.Suresh Gosyne
14.Ian McDonald( He's a real asshole but he's still seen all the shows
15.Jason T
16.Gen Amoff
17.Sean Parker
18.Zachary Ward
19.Terra Berg
20.Don Allan Figueroa
21.Manuel Martinez

I am so excited for the new season to start. Does anyone out there have any theores about what's going to happen to Optimus. If you do please send them to me so I can write them up on this page for the world's Beastwars fans to see.

Personally I think that he was not compleatly destroyed by the explosion of the star. I think that he will fall back down to the plannet and be rescued. But everything isn't all good again. I think that his body was to badly dammeaged but his brain remains intact. I think that he will probably by uploaded into the ships computer and he will help the rest of the maximals by being their advisor. Like I said before I am very interested to know what the rest of you die hard fans think, so please write me. Oh also, if anyone knows when the fist new episode airs please tell me.
Gregory J. Knott has his own theory:

I believe Primal's spark will survive the crash and the spark will take the bodies that are located inside one of the damaged stasis pods, failing that he will probably become transmetal.

Suresh Gosyne Knows what happens to Optimus:

I know what happen's to Optimus primal. The explosion mutated him and he looks really rough. This happen's to rattrap, cheetor ,megatron, and tarantulas.

If you are not only a Beastwars fan but also a Southpark like I am then please visit my . Here you find so many Cartman wave files that you will not know what to do with yourself, so please go visit. You are the honored guest to visit me since November 17, 1997.

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