How to Say the Rosary:

The Rosary is a form of vocal and mental prayer on the Mysteries of our Redemption, divided into fifteen decades.
    The recitation of each decade is accompanied by meditation on one of the fifteen events or “Mysteries.”
    The Mysteries consist of 3 groups:

The Joyful Mysteries are said on Mondays and Thursdays; Sundays of Advent and after Epiphany until Lent.
The Sorrowful Mysteries are said on Tuesdays and Fridays; Sundays in Lent.
The Glorious Mysteries are said Wednesdays and Saturdays; Sundays after Easter until Advent.

 "Step-By-Step" Instructions for Praying The Rosary

 Step 1:    Beginning with the Rosary's Cross:
                   Begin as with all prayers:
                        In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
                        Ghost (Sprit).  Amen.
                            (making the sign of the Cross while doing that)

Step 2:    On the single bead just above the cross, pray
                    the Apostles Creed.
                        (This and all prayers of the rosary are meditative prayers.)

Step 3:    The next cluster of beads are 3 bead.
                    The "Hail Mary" prayer is said on these three beads.  You pray the 3 Hail Marys while
                    meditating on the three divine virtues of faith, hope, and love/charity.

Step 4:    On the next bead, which is a single bead, you announce the first divine mystery of contemplation.
                    For example, if it were a Monday, you would say the first Joyful Mystery is
                        "The Annunciation,"
                            at this point you pray the
                                "Our Father" prayer.

Step 5:    Now this will bring you to the first decade, or set of 10 beads of the Rosary.
                    You will then pray 10 Hail Marys while contemplating the first mystery.
                        Example: The Annunciation.

Step 6:    After the 10th Hail Mary you will have completed the first of 5 decades which make up a Chaplet
                of the Rosary.  (Decade is 10 beads.)
                    You now come to another single bead, at this point, you pray the...
                       Glory be to the Father... then (on the same bead) pray the...
                           O My Jesus... then (on the same bead) announce the next or second mystery.
                                For example: If it's Monday and your praying the Joyful Mysteries, the second Joyful Mystery is
                                    "The Visitation."
                                        At this point you pray the
                                           Our Father.

Step 7:    You will now come to the second decade or group of 10 beads.
                    You will now pray the 10 Hail Marys while contemplating the appropriate mystery.

Step 8:    You continue to pray the rosary the same way throughout.
                    If your intention is to pray a Chaplet (a single set of 5 mysteries)
                        at the end of the fifth mystery you will come back to the joiner, this is where the decades all join with the
                        lower part of the rosary which contains the cross.  When you come to the joiner, you decide whether or
                        not you wish to say another Chaplet or end.
                            If you decide to say another Chaplet you simply announce the next mystery and continue.
                                If you wish to end, you simply say...
                                    The Glory Be To The Father,
                                        The O My Jesus,
                                            The Our Father and end the rosary with
                                                The Hail Holy Queen and
                                                    The Sign of the Cross........

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