Peasants' Vilification Tennis
Most of these insults are used at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival Peasants' Vilificaiton Tennis game/show. They're here for your fun, but if they aren't yours, DON'T USE THEM AT THE SHOW!


A quick impression...

Not to say that your mom's fat or anything, but... Your mom's so loose/gross...
  • Tell your mother to stop wearing blue lipstick. My balls are starting to look like smurfs!
  • Other... Necrophilia... Pedophilia Other (directed at men)... Size issues... Other (directed at women)...  I'm not saying you're ugly or anything, but...  And the worst for last...
    For more Vilification Insults, go to Rosalily's Renfest Regalia

    This picture was stolen from Sherry Roth who later
    gave permission for it's use. Thanks Sherry :).

    Additions? Email me: -or- use the form below...

    Name, if you want credit for it (not necessary):

    Insult to add:

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