Step 1 - Determine Map ROLL 1d10 |
1-2 Open Air Go To 2a |
3-4 Zeppelin Go To 2b |
5-6 Canyon Go To 2c |
7-8 Rural Go To 2d |
9-10 Port Go To 2e |
2a - Open Air Scenarios ROLL 1d10 |
1-7 Head On Combat -Each Player sets up on an edge of the map. |
8-10 Ambush! Defender sets up on short edge in center of map Attacker sets center of map in front of him. Defender must exit map on far side with all plains to win. Attacker must shoot down all Defender Planes |
2b -Zeppelin (plus 1 open air map) Scenarios ROLL 1d10 |
1-2 Defender must defend his armored Zeppelin from attack (armored Zep's Can carry 4 planes only) Attacker sets up at far long edge of Open air map. |
3-5 Escort Mission - Defender is escorting an unarmed Zeppelin Defender sets up any number of planes around Zeppelin. Attacker sets up as above. |
6-10 Battle for the Zep- Each player sets up on short edges of open map. Unarmed Zep is set up as well, to win you must eliminate your enemy, and capture the Zeppelin |
2c - Canyon Scenarios |
1-2 Dog Fight - Each player sets up on a shot edge of the map. Free for all |
3-5 Train Bombing Run - Attacker has to bomb defenders train. Train starts on edge of map and moves 1 hex per turn to opposite edge. Defender gets 2 ground based flak guns. (See rules sheet) To hit number of train is 12 - Bomb rules on rules sheet |
6-8 Ambush - Attacker can set up within 10 hexes of one short end, Defender starts at opposite end, Defender must cross the map to win, Attacker must eliminate enemy planes. |
7-10 Rescue - Your leader is on board the train, (use rules above for train movement), Defender flys with all of his planes BUT not his Commander or Wing. The Attacker has to harpoon the train and fly off the map with it to win the engagement. (No Ground based support for this one....it's a scramble) |
2e - Rural Scenarios ROLL 1d10 |
1-3 Destroy Train - Attacker has to destroy a train of vital supplies. Defender has 3 ground based flak guns. Train moves as above. |
4-5 Dog Fight (Free for All) |
6-8 Bomb Building - Attacker has to bomb a building chosen at random. Defender gets 2 ground based guns, that he must set up before the target is determined. |
9-10 Ambush - The Attacker drops out of the sun! Defender sets up first on short edge of map. Attacker set up in the midd;e of map FACING defender. Defender must exit opposite side of map for a victory. |
2f - Port Scenarios |
1-2 Dog Fight (Free for All) |
3-5 Destroy Train - See Canyon(2c) for details - Defender gets 2 guns |
6-8 Destroy Building - See Rural (2e)- Defender gets 2 guns |
9-10 Ambush - See Rural (2e) |
Step 3 - Determine Attacker/Defender |
Each player in the scenario rolls 1d10 and adds thier Squadron Commanders Sixth Sense to the roll, the highest roll gets to pick between attacker or defender. |
New Rules |
Ground Based Flak Guns - |
Range 7 ROF - 2 (they fire every other turn) Ammo: Unlimited (use Zep gun diagram for DMG) |
Target Numbers of Ground Based Objects and Damage |
Object Target Number Damage |
Moving Train 12 25 |
Large Building (More than 1 hex) 7 100 |
Medium Bulding (1 hex) 9 75 |
Small cluster of Buldings (1hex) 8 50 |
Radio Tower 6 100 |
Ship 5 300 |
Bombs |
Size (in lbs) Hardpoints To-Hit Modifier Damage |
100 1 5 1 AP or Flak Template |
250 2 6 3 AP or Flak Template |
500 4 7 6 Flak Template |
1000 8 8 12 Flak Template |