Chapter IX

Ki Azara, Biatu Ni Azara, Nioch Bien

My friends were out and about when I returned to the hut to sleep. I first played a few simple songs on the harp, and smiled sheepishly I think about the night I had spent talking to a beautiful girl. It was not hard to sleep though, and I would have slept for hours if Kian and his two silent shadows hadn't awoken me a few hours later. "Come on lover boy," said Kian, "you're going on an adventure today." His shadows simply smiled, but you could tell they were laughing inside. "Come on sleepy head, don't lie there with that sour face ruining the subtle countours of space, a gravity dimple will surly form around the gravity of that face and suck you away to the netherworld." This time we all laughed uproarously.

"I haven't hardly slept at all," I protested.

"We know," they all said in unison.

I couldn't tell if they meant they had seen Leanora and I in a vision, or they were just very nosey. "That's what you get lover boy for talking all night and thinking, and I do mean thinking, that you can sleep all day. What a disgrace you are, you're too young to be turning into another Taliessin. Up boy, I say up, the day is bright, the adventure is awaiting in the sacred woods. How can you think of denying an adventure?"

"I can't think of anything right now," I said, "I'm much too tired for my brain to work."

After getting dressed I noticed that no one was carrying a pack, so I didn't pack either, but I did grab my new harp, because I thought it would be fun to finally play it some out of doors. "You won't be needing that today," said Kian. "Come, let's be off then. Arthur will meet us. Cheer up, it will be fun, what we are doing."

"It can't be more fun than sleeping," I said bleary eyed.

"Yes, actually it can," said Kian in mock seriousness.

We hiked off in an entirely different direction this time. Arthur seemed to be excited about something, but was his usual quit self. He exchanged many knowing glaces with Kian, who was the Sir Kay of legends I found out that morning from Arthur. He told me that the early Welsh stories were more accurate as to Kian's true contenance than all those ridiculous stories from the medieval courts of Logres (England).

"Who was or is Bedevere then?" I said, for Dame Katherine and Brignatia had read to many of the stories of Arthur and his noble knights.

"Ah, Bedevere," said Arthur, "you know of him? Good, that's good, someday I will tell you, if you haven't guessed it by that time." Then he surprised me with a statement I was not prepared to hear. "You know David, you are in the stories too. You were there too, don't you remember? You'd not be here David, if you'd not been there with us." Then he walked swiftly away to lead us through the thick woods, to leave me to contemplate my past. We climbed over three hills, and from the top of the third hill we could see another rift canyon that I was told was a tributary of the giagantic rift we had been to already. We made for a point where there was a tall spire in the canyon not to far from the canyon's edge. As we neared this spire I could see that there was a strange rock atop it shaped like a flying saucer ship. I laughed and said that it was a flying rock that had landed, and that maybe little rock people will soon get out of it. They looked at me like I was an idiot, which is how I felt.

So as Pellenas had always taught me: study anything that you don't understand, else you become a bigot in thought and deed; I began to study this strange rock. First by examining its shape for the reason why it looked so much like a flying saucer ship. Secondly by asking my friends questions about it. What I notices first about it was that it was not a rock, but appeared to be a ship, but it's hull had obviously oxidized, rusted to a color very similar to the reddish rock in the canyon. "This must be very ancient to have rusted so much." I said.

"It has always been here," said Kian. "Our world does not know a time when it was not here. We think it is yours."

"What?" I said, "how can you think that Kian. I certainly have not always been here."

"You are so asleep," said Arthur, "someday you must really wake up little one. But to help you to awake from your silly dream, you are as tied to this world as you are to earth, and have led many lives here, as have we all."

"So why have you brought me here?" I said, to stunned with what I was hearing to even react to it.

Arthur looked at me with a look of pure joy in his heart, and said "last night a beam of light shot straight from the heavens, we think it came from here. We want you to awaken what is yours, and in doing so, to further awaken your self to your Self. Only you can do this."

"But how?" I said. "I've no idea how to do it."

"The great shout," said Arthur softly. "Yes, the great shout," said Kian.

"I will try," I said, afraid that I would fail. "But you saw what happened before."

"Just be pure," said Arthur, "and think of glory instead of power."

I nodded, and they retreated up the hill a ways. They said it would be better for me not to have any distractions. At first all I could do is stare at it in awe. The more I looked at it, the more real it seemed, like an extension of myself. Like a part of myself that I had left for myself. I could see the intense shiney metal it was made of, like liquid silver but a million times stronger. I could see the round deck inside, and the little seats around a consol with instruments and engraved artwork. I could see the small square windows, and the firey engine that one could look down at by leaning over the consoul top. When it was as vivid as I could make it in my mind, I closed my eyes and used the meditative technique Arthur had taught me. Once again I could feel my mind encompass the land for miles around. It was inside of me, and I was inside of it. There was only oneness.

I thought of beauty, of a shining glory able to travel anywhere in the universe surrounded in light and glory. Then it happened, the words came and I shouted 'Ki Azara, Biatu Ni Azara, Nioch Bien, Nioch Bien.'"

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