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What do you do for a living?

Nothing. I make art.

"Cool animations! How are they done?"

I have been using Fractal Painter 5.0, which has an animation feature in it. Basically it's like doing classic cel animation but the computer speeds things up. You're not drawing 24 cels for each second like in film. I'm somewhat limited in the size I can make and still not take forever to load on the web.
I'm currently learning the FLASH program for animating web pages and would like to use it to make small hand drawn and collaged movies.

"What did the Secret Works really look like and can we ever get to see them here on the WWW?"

Yes, the Secret Works are now available online at http://marstokyo.com . Click on *Secret Works*

"Where did you get the name Mars Tokyo?"

MARS TOKYO is a nom de plume I literally dreamed up one night while I was asleep. I was on vacation at the beach. It had been a rainy week and very boring. Then one night I had this dream that I'd invented a pen name for myself. The name was Mars Tokyo. In the dream, I had thought of many reasons for the combination of words. I'd always been a fan of old sci-fi movies from the 1950's (Martians and other aliens figuring prominently). I'd also just felt like a kind of Martian or alien most of my life (but that's another answer to another question).
Anyway, that's the reasoning for the first name from the planet Mars.

Tokyo, I figured came not only from my respect for Japanese block print artists, but a continued awe of the Japanese culture that could survive atomic devastation from two bombs and rise Phoenix-like from the ashes to become a major world power. There was something about a survival like that, that really blew me away.In my dream I fused the two together and came up with Mars Tokyo-- a name, an idea, a spirit.

"Is there an actual diary, like a book?"

Yes, there are many many books filled with hand painted entries. These books are the standard 8"x 6" blank journals sold in art supply stores. I draw the picture using a felt tip pen. Then I paint it in gouache, or opaque watercolor. From there, I scan the entries into my computer and upload them to this website.

"Do you show your work in gallerys?"

No. I specifically do NOT show my work in galleries because my work is not for sale. I am idealogically opposed to the concept of "art as commodity." In other words, I do not believe that any art work should be sold, period. As soon as the artist puts a price on a work it instantly becomes devalued.One hundred percent of the work in today's "art world" exists only in the minds of art dealers, gallery owners, and patrons who purchase the work. If the work is not shown, and is not sold, then it doesn't exist. This couldn't be further from the truth. The best art in the world isn't even seen by the public and can't be bought.

I currently am showing my work at the Senator Theatre in Towson, Md. To see pictures of the exhibit, go to http://teenytheaters.com/exhibit.html

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