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i don't have any photos of myself here yet, but i will soon. in the meantime, here are some pictures i found on the net. (none of them were taken by me; none of them are pictures of me. i thought that was clear, but maybe not.) instead of thumbnails, you'll have to pick which one(s) you want to look at according to descriptions...

a great scary one for halloween!

yummy - spiky rubber and shiny metal, two great tastes that taste great together...

watch out, terminator...

this enviably-attired creature is a good illustration for one of those mannequin-imprisonment stories...

a lovely robo-rubber couple...

an amazing robo-suit from thierry mugler...

a great gas mask shot...

i like photographs, and i never got excited by a drawing until i saw this one. what i wouldn't do to have an outfit like this...

stay tuned for more...

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