DOD's Star Wars Site -

The Sound Page

Here is a set of my favorite midi sounds from Star Wars, for your listening pleasure.


The music from when Yoda lifts Luke's X-Wing from the Dagobah swamps

sw_yoda.mid - 8K from Empire

The music form the cantina in Star Wars

cantina.mid - 41KB

Empire Strikes Back Theme music

empire.mid - 19KB

Imperial March music, used generally on Star Destroyers

impmarch.mid - 22KB

Jedi Rock, the new music for the SE from Jabba's palace

jedirock.mid - 9KB

Return of the Jedi victory music, the new victory music from the SE

rotjvict.mid - 19KB

Ceremony, the music from the temple at the end of Star Wars

ceremony.mid - 11KB

Star Wars main theme music, from the start of the three films

sw_intro.mid - 34KB

Yoda : 900 years (from ROTJ)

900years.wav - 89KB

Darth Vader talking to Luke

theforce.wav - 189KB

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