Transformers Collector FAQ

The Transformers have left behind a huge following of fans who cherish their collection. That is why I set up this page....because I am one of those fans. This page is written by a Transformers nut for a Transformers nut.

Where did the Transformers figures originate? Why should you be a collector? What's out there? These and many other questions are answered right here at the Transformers Collector FAQ. Click on a section below for a brief desciption on a specifiic Transformers topic. Remember......if there are other questions than that which are listed here.....just drop me a line and I'll help out any way that I can!!

**What is the history of the Transformers??**

**Why collect Transformers??**

**Where and how do I start collecting??**

**Are they worth anything??**

**What is out there???**

I hope you enjoy browsing the site and thanks for stopping by!!

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