I would personally like to welcome you to the Transformers Collector site. I've set up this page for a few reasons of which I'd like to describe to you in the paragraphs below. But first, keep in mind that I love e-mail and chatting about Transformers. If you have a question or would like to discuss some sort of topic dealing with the "robots in disguise"....drop me a line. I would love to hear from you!! After browsing around my site, make sure to check out the Transformers Web Page to access hundreds of other excellent Transformers sites! It's a huge TF Universe out there!!

I've been to tons of Transformers web pages (and trust me....there are millions). Each one is unique and wonderful in it's own way and you can tell that each webmaster is dedicated to it. However, the toy and action figure content is usually kept to a minimum or is not covered at all. Most pages focus on the toy/comic/cartoon/movie all at once. This provides less information on the Transformers figures in order to allow the same amount of attention to each of the sections.

Therefore, I've set up the Transformers Collector page. It is designed to give you information on the best toyline ever created and to deal strictly with the Transformers Action Figures and the hobby of collecting them. I have been seriously collecting since September of 1996 (when I purchased a sealed Soundwave).....although I've been "into" the TF's since their release in 1984. Therefore, I am building up my collection while I maintain this page. Whenever I add a new piece to my collection it will be reviewed and scanned immediately to be put up on the site. I get stuff all the time so you can be sure that this page will be updated at least once a week. I also take pride in scanning everything into the page myself. I do not take pictures from anywhere else (aside from Greg Gaub's spinning logos....thanks Greg!). Therefore, everything on this site is original and fresh. I hope you will feel this makes the Transformers Collector unique.

To me, every Transformers generation is part of the same Universe. Not one is better than the other. That's why I'm kind of a sucker for all four (G1, G2, Beast Wars, and Machine Wars). Therefore, the TF Collector site is split among the four generations of Transformers figures. This is so you can check out a specific area that you're interested in or you can browse through the entire TF universe. On the main index, just click on the generation you want and it will transport you to Teletran 1 where you can select places to visit within each section. Or......click on "Other TF Goodies" to see other interesting aspects of the Transformers (from collectible licensed products to my convention experience). Hopefully there will be enough information to satisfy every Transformers apatite.

I guess my main objective with this site is for everyone to have a good time. If you're a die-hard Transformers collector, I hope you are able to get information on what figures you may be interested in and what products you may like to put on your wish list. For others, I hope it brings back memories or helps to create new ones. That's what holds us Transformers fanatics together.....the memories. We stick together and that remains the most important aspect of our hobby! Thanks for stopping by the Transformers Collector and I hope you enjoy your visit!!


Christopher Bucci

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