There are hundreds of wonderful Transformers web pages out there. I could never attempt to add them all to my links page. Therefore, I've added some pages that deal in TF links first. They have all you need. Below that will be TF links from people of whom I have swaped with. And below that will be other links I feel are worth a visit (or that I visit often). If you have a TF link and want to trade links....drop me a line!!
Transformers Link Links (get it?):
The Transformers Web Page: Tons and tons of TF links...including yours truly!!!Transformers Links!!:
Grimlock's Cave: A nice site with info on all TF aspects (catalog scans, cartoon, comic, etc).Other Links worthy of checking out:
Rodney Dangerfield's Page: The best place to go for a laugh break on the net!!