What's New????

Check here for the last 5 log entries of previous updates!!

July 21, 1999

Added Transmetals 2: Cybershark review in the TM2 archive. Plus....read my take on ANIMORPHS and this site here!

June 10, 1999

Added Transmetals 2: Cybershark scan and tec-spec info (review forthcoming) in the TM2 Archive (located in the Beast Wars boxscan area). Next update? More TF Memories submissions and hopefully the review above! :)

April 28, 1999

Added TRANSMETALS 2 reviews/scans in the TRANSMETALS 2 Beast Wars archive (including Scarem, Sonar, Ramulus, Cheetor, Optimus Minor, and Dinobot). Also take a look at Wal-Mart exclusive Rattrap (AKA: WAL-RAT) in the Transmetal/Fuzor Beast Wars archive. All accessible from the BW Boxscan index page!

December 24, 1998

Some new Beast Wars stuff this update! Added a review of the second Japanese BEAST WARS LaserDisc boxed set (in "Other Goodies" LaserDisc section). It has the remaining 14 eps from season one left out of the first set! Wahooo!!!!

Also added new Transmetal 2 archive with Scarem and Sonar scans in the Beast Wars boxscan area. Plus......new Beast Wars index look.


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