spinning globe Why is the bible filled with descriptions of gods who came down from the sky in fiery chariots? What titanic force overturned a huge block of carved stone the size of a four story building? How could primitive records describe rocket travel, computer math and advanced astronomy? It is inconcievable that we world citizens of the 21st century are not the only living beings of our kind in the cosmos? This web page will show you and explain to you why God does not exist and the person/being we call God is/was a visitor from outer space.


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The bible is nothing more than a scientific rendering of the intervention of an advanced race of beings. It has evolved into a spiritual book, by people who fear death and the meaning of life. The translations of the Hebrew writings as well as other ancient texts have been misrepresented to suit the nature of Religion and Mainstream Science.

Without the intelligence we have acquired, we would be no more than the animals that roam this earth and would not care if a God existed or not. Numerous writings within the Holy Bible are the products of other ancient texts and cultures that existed way before the Hebrews ever came to light.The Holy Bible should be read for what it really is, and not manipulated so that it suits a religious belief. Take a look at text that the USAF uses in its academy, to make pilots aware of UFOS. This page is one of the pages at boblazar.com. Check them out!!!

Also check out the UFO Guide by Nick Humphries. It will answer almost any question you have about UFOS. And don't forget to read the history of area51. Some reading that really captivated me was the article by popular mechanics entitledthe new Area51 You will love this. Soon there will be a whole page devoted to Area51 instead of these little snippets.


If you have comments or suggestions, email me at E-Mail Mafiaxxx@geocities.com

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