The Silicon Avatar Homepage


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Due to the absolutely piss-poor attitude of Geocities to in-your-face advertising, I will soon be relocating these pages to Nottingham University.


… to the Silicon Avatar homepage on Geocities, in the Area 51 neighbourhood. Come in, and make yourself at home. Pull up a seat and help yourself to a drink.

Why not drop in on a few of my neighbours? Some of them are slightly weird, but I suppose that's my fault for settling in an area with the numeric prefix 666, isn't it?

what's new

The page now contains the first parts of TRIOPTIMUM, a part of the Web devoted to the Origin game System Shock. Also to follow in a few months (!) is SAv's DS9 Episode Guide, which (no kidding) will be the best DS9 episode guide on the Web.

who is silicon avatar?

Silicon Avatar is the alias of Chris Chapman, a Computer Science student at the University of Nottingham in England. His interests include science fiction, computer graphics, Web authoring and writing things in the third person for no reason. He can often be found on Usenet on the newsgroups, and for users on the Nottingham campus, nott.societies.sci-fi.

From the moment he first experienced the Internet last year he knew it was something very special indeed, and it is swiftly becoming his secondary natural habitat. By some people's standards he would be considered a nerd, but by his own standards he is quite definitely a geek.

His eventual aim in life is to create the ultimate computer game. This game would be a completely open ended game set in the future in a vast distant galaxy, with a first person 3D viewpoint. The game would have no end. The player chooses their own aim - to explore, make money, trade contraband, run taxi services, become a terrorist, a soldier, an assassin, whatever. Think of this game as a mix of every game genre ever - Elite meets Doom meets Ultima Underworld. Does this sound good? It will be ten times better. The game is called cosmos and it will be the best computer game ever. Expect it some time in the far distant future.

(Note: never gonna happen.)