Frequently Asked Questions

Table of Contents

Warp Nine: The Future Begins Here
Warp Nine

The Admiralty Board
Starfleet Academy
Ships and Stations

Commanding a Ship or Station
Choosing Command Officers

Becoming a Member of Warp Nine

Warp Nine
What is Warp Nine?

Warp Nine is a play-by-mail role-playing fan organization based on Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek universe.

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What do you mean by "play-by-mail"?

All communications between club members happen through the mail. There are no meetings or conventions to attend.

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Do I have to have e-mail to participate?

Absolutely not. Snail mail is used to send missions and other club-related materials. E-mail can facilitate communications with some crewmembers and captains, but it's not necessary.

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What do you mean by "role-playing"?

Anyone who joins must create a character in order to be able to participate on a ship or station. This is the persona used when writing mission responses.

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How is Warp Nine organized?

Warp Nine can be broken down into four main groups: The Admiralty Board, Starfleet Academy, the ships and stations, and The Delta Fleet.

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The Admiralty Board
Who are the Admirals, and what is the Board's function in Warp Nine?

The Admirals are the founding members of Warp Nine. Their primary goals are to operate Starfleet Academy, create and staff new ships and stations, and regulate existing ships and stations (particularly, making sure the captains are upholding their duties to their crews, and stepping in if there's a problem).

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Starfleet Academy
How does Starfleet Academy work?

Basically, Starfleet Academy is where you go when you first join Warp Nine. Here you'll learn how to make a character and how to write a mission response. Most people spend two months or less in the Academy.

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Ships and Stations
How do the ships and stations work? Is there a difference between the two?

Ships and stations thrive on missions. These are monthly story-lines that are sent by a captain to his/her crew. The only difference between ships and stations is the fact that stations don't go anywhere, and there are a lot more civilians around. They are set up the same way, each having a Commanding Officer (usually a captain) and an Executive Officer (usually a commander). They each have primarily the same departments, but the actual positions available within the departments depends on the nature of the ship or station. Most of the people assigned to a ship or station fill the position of Department Head of their chosen department. Most of the rest of the crew is fictitious, since it would be impossible for one person to keep track of that many people.

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Choosing Command Officers
How do you choose a command officer?

The Admiralty Board recruits command officers in two ways. Most of the time, someone will request a command. The Board will observe that person in action for a few months, and check that person's prior record with Warp Nine, then make a decision. The other way is for The Board to offer command to a person that has proven themselves worthy. The only stipulation in this case is that the person be willing to take on the responsibility of command.

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What are the qualifications for being a command officer?

One must have the desire and time to put in the necessary amount of work each month, a steady source of income, have a good record with one's commanding officer, and been an active member of Warp Nine for at least 6 months.

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How do I join Warp Nine?

Just fill out this form. It will be sent to Admiral Berit Muncy for review. You should hear from her within a week, whether or not you are accepted.

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What are the departments that you offer?

Engineering, Sciences, Medical, Relations, Operations, Tactical/Security, Marines, and Command. It is important to note that if you choose Command as one of your department choices, you will actually be requesting the position of Chief Flight Control Officer (the ship's pilot), and not command of your own ship.

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