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Answers To Your Questions

What is Batman's real name?

Bruce Wayne

Why did Bruce Wayne become Batman?

His parents were brutally gunned down right in front of him by a petty criminal. Partly because of his feeling of helplessness at the time and his desire to prevent it from happening to anyone else, Bruce Wayne trained himself to be an excellent criminal investigator and fighter.

What movie did they see before the crime?

This varies from time to time (usually changes when a writer doesn't know Batman's history very well), but it's generally accepted that they were watching a Zorro movie (it also changes because they don't want to make it look too dated). I think that it has always been a Zorro movie they just change the title from time to time.

Who killed Bruce Wayne's Parents?

A small time criminal named Joe Chill. Contrary to what the 1989 Batman movie (starring Micheal Keaton and Jack Nicholson) says, the Joker wasn't the killer. Note: DC has changed history again. Bruce no longer knows who killed his parents -- call it what you will but I call it stupidity on DC's part..

How can Batman afford all of his toys?

Bruce inherited millions of dollars from his parents when they were killed. The money, which was in trust for him until his late teens, was invested wisely and became quite a large sum by the time he became Batman.

How many Bat-men have there been?

Not counting all of the people who have impersonated Batman to commit crimes (thus only counting the number of people who have worn the Mantle to protect the innocent) there have been five Bat-men. In order they are: Thomas Wayne (Bruce's father -- see Batman #255), Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Jean-Paul Valley, and Dick Grayson. Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce's butler, has worn the Batman costume on occasion when necessary. Jean-Paul Valley took over for Bruce when Bruce was injured so severly that he couldn't walk (J.P. Valley is also known as Azrael and now has his own DC comic). Dick Grayson, Robin number two, became Batman when Jean-Paul Valley was relieved of the Mantle. Bruce has since reclaimed the Mantle of the Bat for himself.

How many Batman comics are there?

Currently there are five comics specific to Batman. They are: Detective Comics, Batman, Legends Of The Dark Knight, Shadow Of The Bat, The Batman Chronicles, and The Batman Adventures. In addition, Batman makes (somewhat) regular appearances in Robin and Catwoman. Of the seven titles just listed, only Legends Of The Dark Knight and The Batman Adventures are not part of the DC Universe (DC did screw up recently by tying the Knightfall story line into Legends). Note: Though Legends isn't officially part of the DC Universe, fellow Bat-Fan Quimby is quick to point out that DC has been using the title as means to establish post-crisis continuity.

What other comics has Batman been in?

This could be difficult to answer because Batman has guest starred in several comics. I'll just list the comics that Batman has made regular appearances in. They are: Batman Family, Superfriends, Justice League Of America, Justice League Europe, Justice League, The World's Finest, The Outsiders, Batman & The Outsiders, DC Showcase, The Brave And The Bold, and Batgirl. Batman has also had numerous mini-series a few of which are: The Dark Knight Returns, The Killing Joke, The Cult, Son Of The Demon, and Birth Of The Demon.

How old are Batman and Robin?

Bruce has never come out and said, "I'm 64-years-old today," so we can only guess how old he is (come to think of it, I can't even recall an issue where he celebrates his birthday). The general consensus is this: Bruce Wayne (Batman) is about 32-years-old, Dick Grayson (Nightwing & first Robin) is about 21-years-old, and current Robin, Tim Drake is about 15-years-old.

How old was Bruce when his parents were killed?

This is another one of those questions to which we have to guesstimate the answer. Based on a number of clues given throughout his history, Bruce was about 6 to 8-years-old.

Who knows Batman's real identity?

This list grows and shrinks daily depending on how DC feels at the time. The list is extensive and I'm sure I'm going to miss a lot characters to which people are going to let me know. (I may also make a few spelling errors here, so bear with me.) This list is: Alfred Pennyworth (butler), Harold (the handyman), Nightwing, the new Robin, Oracle, Judson Caspian (the Reaper), Shondra Kinsolving, Benedict Asp, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Flash, Wonder Woman, Metamorpho, Green Arrow, a few of the Green Lanterns, Ras Al Ghul and his daughter Talia, most of the Justice League members, all of the Outsiders, and I think all of the Teen Titans. (I'll add more to this list as I think of them.) Note: Before DC changed its mind, Joe Chill found out who Batman was but was killed by members of his own gang before he could tell them.

Will Bruce Wayne/Batman ever get married?

Not very likely.

How many girlfriends has Bruce Wayne had?

Beats me. He's had a few relationships with women but I don't think you could call them girlfriends. Bruce Wayne in the comics (unlike in the movies) has always been somewhat aloof when it comes to women.

What was Bruce and Dick's falling out over?

Bruce was getting concerned with Dick's safety after he nearly got killed. Bruce didn't want to be responsible for Dick's death should it happen.

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