As a child I raised myself, with the help of comics. Like every child I am shure there were a few favorite.
I basically read Kazar, Conan, The Unknown Soldier,Sgt.Fury, as well as the common comics made by Marvel. I must say Kazar is my all time favoraite. I was so happy to hear that they have made a NEW Kazar comic that came out this year.

Over the past few years, comics have made their way to the big screen, as well as on T.V. The most commonly known are Spawn and The X-Men. There are a few others as well, including The Maxx, SpiderMan, and The Hulk.
As far as Spawn and The Maxx, I would like to bring to the attetion, to you whom I know you already know and to the ones whom might not know, are made by Image commics.

There is also another comic made by Image I truly enjoy and that is Pitt.
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