"The Moon Was Full and Nothing Happened" "The Moon Was Full and Nothing Happened" "The Moon Was Full and Nothing Happened" In till recently I have thought that a full moon had affect on humans. When I was growing up my parents would always comment on people acting crazy due to the full moon and it's affects on people. About a year ago I was given information that has directed me other wise.

Humans are made of 80% water, and most believe since the moon has effect on the ocean, which is a large mass of watcher, that the same affects that are on humans. Which is null and void. There is proof that humans are not affected by the moon. Even if a bunch of people got close together in a large mass they would not make a large enough mass to have affect from the moon.

The best way to approach the situation is threw science, which I just happen to have a link to that gives references and blah blah blah. Skeptical views are at most times the best to approach, instead of having blind faith in a non factual view. This is a Link on where to get you started on your own fact finding and stray away from Pseudoscience.
Skeptical Inquirer

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