My Friend's Web Pages

My Friend's Web Pages

These ppl I have meet mostly through Mirc on the Undernet, and we are all RPers.(Role Players) So enjoy, and if a link does not work anymore, please let me know.

DEFears-meet on Mirc Undernet, in #Krynn.

IronWolf - This guy I know IRL, imagian that!!!

Raistlin-- Another RPer, I meet on IRC's Undernet, in #THE TOWER OF HIGH SORCERY (HINT: Do not piss this mage off.)
Siltrion-- Another person whom I have alais *sigh* meet on IRc's Undernet, him I meet in #Krynn

Dalamar--The one whom is the one in the channel #The Tower if High Sorcery.(HINT: Another mage you DONOT wana get upset!)

Red Rose, and that she is a rose! She as well in the Tower, RPing.

Lockpick-- Now this lass is the Queen of HTML!

Steverola-- Another one I know IRL! Wow that makes 2!!

Jentaoris--:) Take a wild guess!

Pest-- Now if you do not know where I have meet him, take a gander at the URL!

BlackLeaf-- A good man that I am proud to call a friend! Besides he is one of the most creative and mysterious ppl I have ever and ever have the pleasure of RPing with.

Alucard-- *sigh* let me see, oh yea Undernet, #Krynn, IRC.

Sryana--A wonderfull and fun lass. I am glad as all hell to have meet her.

Dono if this one still works, guess we'll find out

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