"Rules of Engagement" Dream Expansion

New Rules
Artifacts (6) Orb of Time DS9 Rare
The Arsenal of Freedom TNG Rare
U.S.S. Pegasus TNG Rare
Vulcan Stone of Gol: Piece 1 TNG Rare
Vulcan Stone of Gol: Piece 2 TNG Rare
Vulcan Stone of Gol: Piece 3 TNG Rare
Dilemmas (11) Cargo Bay Mishap TNG Common
Dampening Field DS9 Common
Denevan Neural Parasites TOS Common
Distortion Ring Being VOY Rare
Echo Papa 607 Automated Drone TNG Common
Invidium Contamination TNG Common
Pulsatel Lockseal DS9 Common
Quark's Bar: Tongo DS9 Common
Space Amoeba TOS Rare
Subspace Mine DS9 Common
V'Ger Probe TMP Rare
Dooways (3) Barzan Wormhole TNG Common
Holodeck Door TNG Uncommon
The Path to Sto-Vo-Kor TNG Uncommon
Equipment (7) Echo Papa 607 Containment Drone TNG Common
EJ7 Interlock DS9 Common
Ferengi Plasma Whip TNG Uncommon
Handheld Transporter TNG Uncommon
Isolinear Tags INS Common
PADD: Earth Guidebook DS9 Uncommon
Son'a Body Enhancement Facility INS Common
Events (19) 62nd Rule of Acquisition DS9 Uncommon
102nd Rule of Acquisition DS9 Uncommon
106th Rule of Acquisition DS9 Common
239th Rule of Acquisition DS9 Common
284th Rule of Acquisition DS9 Uncommon
Ablative Armor DS9 Common
Amply Equipped VOY Common
Blue Alert VOY Common
Bynars Engine Enhancements TNG Uncommon
CONN Station TNG Common
Dataport Implant DS9 Common
Dax DS9 Rare
Graviton Pulse VOY Common
Micro-Wormhole VOY Common
Microreplication Unit TNG Uncommon
Odan TNG Rare
Rules of Engagement DS9 Uncommon
Surgical Scrubber VOY Common
Tsiolkovsky Dedication Plaque TNG Common
Facilities: Bajoran . . .
Facilities: Borg (1) Borg Unicomplex VOY Rare
Facilities: Cardassian . . .
Facilities: Dominion . . .
Facilities: Federation (1) Utopia Planitia TNG Rare
Facilities: Ferengi . . .
Facilities: Klingon (1) Ogat Training Academy TNG Rare
Facilities: Romulan . . .
Facilities: Neutral . . .
Facilities: Non-Aligned (2) Cravic/Pralor VOY Common
Maquis DS9 Common
Facilities: Multi Affiliation (1) Dominion Central Command DS9 Rare
Incidents (3) Gambit TNG Uncommon
Jem'hadar Shroud DS9 Uncommon
The Great Bird of the Galaxy NF Rare
Interrupts (7) Adapt: Mission Specialization FC Common
Cryptobiolin TNG Uncommon
Desegranine DS9 Common
Ferengi By-law 105 Subparagraph 10 DS9 Common
Photonic Cannon VOY Common
Telepathic Memory Invasion TNG Uncommon
The Katra ST: III Rare
Missions (11) Attend to Personal Matters TOS Uncommon
Establish Subspace Relay Station DS9 Uncommon
Investigate Subspace Fluctuations TNG Uncommon
Investigate Unexplained Outbreak TNG Uncommon
Petition for Membership DS9 Uncommon
Promote Reunification TNG Uncommon
Recovery Mission TNG Uncommon
Relocate Populace INS Uncommon
Restore Planetary Computer TNG Uncommon
Study Inversion Nebula VOY Uncommon
Trade Mission VOY Uncommon
Objectives (4) Khitomer Conference VI Uncommon
Rescue Operation TNG Uncommon
Retrieve Counterpart TNG Uncommon
Trade Negotiations DS9 Uncommon
Q-Icon Cards (1) Q TNG Rare
Personnel: Bajoran (1) Founder Leader Impersonator. DS9 Rare
Personnel: Borg (1) Data of Borg FC Rare
Personnel: Cardassian (2) Gul Evek DS9 Rare
Seska DS9 Rare
Personnel: Dominion (5) Ahdar Ru'afo INS Rare
vEllora Female INS Common
vSubahdar Gallatin INS Common
vTarlac Female INS Common
Weyoun 7 DS9 Rare
Personnel: Federation (5) Calvin Hudson DS9 Rare
Calvin Hutchinson TNG Rare
Edward Jellico TNG Rare
Emergency Command Hologram VOY Rare
Orfil Quinteros TNG Rare
Personnel: Ferengi (1) Goss .TNG .Rare
Personnel: Klingon (2) Kodrak DS9 Rare
Koral TNG Rare
Personnel: Romulan (2) Kell Impersonator TNG Rare
T'Pel Impersonator TNG Rare
Personnel: Neutral . . .
Personnel Non-Aligned (12) 00 and 11 TNG Rare
Arctus Baran TNG Rare
vCravic Automated Personnel Unit VOY Common
Cravic Automated Personnel Unit 122 VOY Rare
Inad TNG Rare
Jev TNG Rare
vPralor Automated Personnel Unit VOY Common
Pralor Automated Personnel Unit 3947 VOY Rare
Pralor Automated Personnel Unit 6263 VOY Rare
Premiere Bhavani TNG Rare
Tamal DS9 Rare
Thomas Riker DS9 Rare
Personnel: Multi Affiliation (1) Weyoun 6 DS9 Rare
Ships: Bajoran . . .
Ships: Borg (1) vBorg Probe Vessel VOY Common
Ships: Cardassian (2) vHideki DS9 Common
Vetar TNG Rare
Ships: Dominion (2) vSon'a Battleship INS Uncommon
vSon'a Shuttle INS Common
Ships: Federation (1) U.S.S. Prometheus VOY Rare
Ships: Ferengi . . .
Ships: Klingon (2) IKC So'taj VI Rare
vKlingon Shuttle TNG Common
Ships: Romulan (1) Talvath. VOY. Rare
Ships: Neutral . . .
Ships: Non-Aligned (2) .vCravic Vessel VOY Common
vPralor Vessel VOY Common
Ships: Multi Affiliation . . .
Sites (5) Club Martus DS9 Rare
Command Center TNG Uncommon
Drafting Room 5 TNG Uncommon
vFleet Yard Spacedocks TNG Common
Holosuite DS9 Uncommon
Tactics (4) Breen Energy Dampening Weapon DS9 Uncommon
Echo Displacement VOY Uncommon
Hull Separation TNG Uncommon
N'yengoren Strategy DS9 Uncommon
Time Locations . . .

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New Rules

Gaining an Affiliation Icon: Some cards in this set, such as Vulcan Stone of Gol: Piece 2, give some personnel an affiliation icon, this turns the personnel into a multi-affiliation card. The same will apply to ships if cards in another set adds affiliation icons to a ship.
Downloading Tactics: Some cards in this set, such as
Emergency Command Hologram, allow you to download a tactic. You may only download a tactic at the start of a battle. Search through your Battle Bridge side deck and use that tactic as your current tactic instead of drawing two at the start of battle. All other rules regarding tactics still apply.
Tactics targeting non-Nor facilities with sites: Treat a non-Nor facility with sites like any other non-Nor facility. The personnel targeted by the tactic can come from anywhere onboard the facility (ie. any site).
Same Place, Different Mission: Different missions set at the same location like
Cloaked Mission and Promote Reunification (both Romulus missions) cannot both co-exist
Trill Symbionts: Joined Trill are considered personas of both the host and the symbiont, so you cannot have both Jadzia Dax and Ezri Dax in play at the same time since they are both instances of the Dax persona, but you could have Jadzia Dax and an unjoined Ezri Tigan (if such a card is ever made) in play at the same time.
Son'a Personnel: S'ona such as
Ahdar Ru'afo, like Vorta may ration Ketracel White.
Son'a Cellular Discohesion: At the end of their controller's turn, Each Son'a loses 1 STRENGTH. If a Son'a reaches 0 STRENGTH they are discarded.

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Orb of Time {ST:DS9 | R}
Sacred Orb of the Bajorans. With proper use, it allows travel through time. It was returned to the Bajorans in 2373.
Use as Equipment card. If you have an [Orb] personnel present, ship or any personnel present may move between a spaceline and a corresponding time location or between two corresponding time locations.

The Arsenal of Freedom {ST:TNG | R}
Automated weapons system created by the arms merchant of the planet Minos, built for use during the Erselrope Wars.
Use as Equipment card. Once per turn you may download one Echo Papa 607 Drone or Paul Rice even from discard pile.

U.S.S. Pegasus {ST:TNG | R}
Oberth Class starship formerly commanded by Eric Pressman. Lost and presumed destroyed after the failed test of a Federation cloaking device.
Seed at a space mission. Plays at this location as a ship card with Tractor Beam, Phasing Cloak (RANGE +4 while cloaked.),
ÑAsteroid Sanctuary, no staffing icons and RANGE = 6 WEAPONS = 4 SHIELDS = 7

Vulcan Stone of Gol: Piece 1 {ST:TNG | R}
One piece of the 2000 year old psionic resonator. Stolen from a Romulan archaeological site in 2370.
Use as Equipment card. Any Vulcan Stone of Gol encountered by any player is immediately discarded. Your [Non-Aligned] personnel are CUNNING +1 where present. (Immune to Disruptor Overload, Not duplicatable.)

Vulcan Stone of Gol: Piece 2 {ST:TNG | R}
One piece of the 2000 year old psionic resonator. Acquired by Koral in 2370
Use as Equipment card. Any Vulcan Stone of Gol encountered by any player is immediately discarded. Your Affiliated Treachery or Smuggling personnel gain [Non-Aligned] (Immune to Disruptor Overload, Not duplicatable.)

Vulcan Stone of Gol: Piece 3 {ST:TNG | R}
One piece of the 2000 year old psionic resonator. Stolen by the Vulcan Isolationists in 2369.
Use as Equipment card. Any Vulcan Stone of Gol encountered by any player is immediately discarded. If all three pieces of the Stone of Gol are present together you may discard them to download a Vulcan Stone of Gol from outside of the game to this location as if earned. (Immune to Disruptor Overload, Not duplicatable.)

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Cargo Bay Mishap {ST: TNG | C}
Type: Space
Heavy cargo containers are prone to falling when a ship is jolted heavily. Worf after being the victim of one such mishap wanted to undergo the Hegh'bat.
Place on one non-[Holo] personnel present (random selection). Personnel is disabled (killed if Klingon) unless Genetronic Replicator in play.

Dampening Field {ST: DS9 | C}
Type: Planet
Energy field that inhibits most forms of energy. The Dominion/Federation force sent to capture a rogue group of Jem'Hadar got caught in a dampening field leaving their phasers useless.
Plays on location. Phasers, disruptors, tricorders, padds, [Borg Use Only] equipment, I.P. Scanner, Jem'Hadar Birthing Chamber, Handheld Transporter, Ferengi Plasma Whip, and Echo Papa 607 drones do not function here and all [Holo Icon] cards are disabled. Nullify with 3 ENGINEER, and Computer Skill x3.

Denevan Neural Parasites {ST: TOS | C}
Type: Planet
Irregularily shaped gelatinous life-form. They can latch onto humanoid life-forms and control their autonomic functions.
Target each personnel separately. Has a 50% chance of affecting target personnel. Affected personnel are disabled. Cure with IP Scanner.

Distortion Ring Being {ST: VOY | R}
Type: Space
A non-corporeal life form capable of changinr the shape of space. One attempted to communicate with the starship Voyager in 2372 leaving 20 million gigaquads in its computer core.
Countdown Icon: [3]
Ship stopped until end of countdown, then score points.
Point Box: [10]

Echo Papa 607 Automated Drone {ST:TNG | C}
Type: Space/Planet
Small free flying unit created by the Arsenal of Freedom on Minos with an energy projector and cloaking device. Effective against ground personnel and space vehicles.
Space: Ship damaged unless SHIELDS > 9. Nullify with La Forge Maneuver and WEAPONS > 7 present .
Planet: Place on one personnel present (random selection). Personnel is placed into stasis. Nullify by purchasing the Echo Papa 607 system (lose points).
Point Box: [-5]

Invidium Contamination {ST:TNG | C}
Type: Space
Highly reactive substance capable of triggering nucleosynthesis and malfunctions in a starship's systems.
Place on ship. Randomly disables RANGE or WEAPONS. Cure with Physics and ENGINEER x2.

Pulsatel Lockseal {ST:DS9 | C}
Type: Space/Planet
High security lock used by some merchants on DS9. Quark could bypass one in 25 seconds, Rom could do it in 10.
To get past, requires Quark
OR Rom OR ENGINEER and EJ7 Interlock OR Computer Skill x3.

Quark's Bar: Tongo {ST: DS9 | C}
Type: Space/Planet
Ferengi game involving cards and a roulette-type wheel.
Choose one of the following:
Acquire: Any player who shows an Acquisition personnel in hand scores points.
Confront: All players show a personnel from hand. Player with highest STRENGTH shown scores points. Losers discard their personnel.
Roll Away: Probe: [Equipment], [Fajo]: Score points and draw a card.
Point Box: [5]

Space Amoeba {ST: TOS | R}
Type: Space
Massive single-celled organism of extra-galactic origin. Can consume starships.
Place on location. Moves toward far end of spaceline with RANGE = 6. Once amoeba reaches the end, it turns around. Amoeba swallows any ship present unless docked or 3 Navigation aboard. At the end of each turn amoeba damages all ships swallowed (
Æ). Nullify with Anti-Matter Pod.

Subspace Mine {ST: DS9 | C}
Type: Planet
Explosive device used by the Dominion. Nicknamed 'Houdinis', they are suspended in subspace and undetectable until it's too late.
Opponent immediately probes:
[Dominion], [Incident]: Casualties
. Kills one personnel present (random selection).
[Equipment], [Ferengi]: Collateral Damage. One personnel present is "stopped"
OR one equipment present is destroyed. (Random selection.)
Otherwise: Mine not tripped
. Replace dilemma under mission.

V'Ger Probe {ST: TMP}
Dilemma Space/Planet [AU]
In 2271 the V'Ger entity created a duplicate of Enterprise navigator Ilia so that it could observe the "carbon units" aboard the ship up close.
One personnel (random selection) is placed out of play. Dilemma joins Away Team and acts as a copy of that personnel, but may not use skills or attributes.

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Barzan Wormhole {ST:TNG | C}
Plays on Wormhole Negotiations.
OR Insert into Gamma or Delta Quadrant spaceline, creates a location (span 1). You may download another to another quadrant. Limit one per quadrant. While in play, any ship may move between Alpha and Delta Quadrant terminals or between Gamma and Delta Quadrant terminals, then is "stopped." OR Plays at any time to nullify the closing or destroying of the Barzan Wormhole (discard doorway).

Holodeck Door {ST:TNG | U}
Seeds or plays on table. [Holo Icon] cards may report here. During your turn you may move [Holo Icon] cards to or from this doorway and your holodecks. While off this doorway your [Holo Icon] cards may mix and co-operate with your other cards regardless of affiliation. OR Seeds (during facility phase) or plays on your ship or facility, adds a holodeck.

The Path to Sto-Vo-Kor {ST:TNG | U}
Seeds or plays on table. Whenever one of your Klingons with Honor dies in battle, you may instead place them under this doorway to score points equal to their INTEGRITY. Klingons under here are considered in play for uniqueness only. Also, when you play Q'apla! you may place it under this doorway to score 5 points. (Immune to cards which close doorways.)

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Echo Papa 607 Containment Drone {ST:TNG | C}
Automated Weapons Drone created by the Arsenal of Freedom on Minos. Can encase opposition in a containment field.
Use during personnel battles. At the start of battle, one of opponent's personnel is excluded from battle and 'stopped' until the end of opponent's next turn. (Cumulative.)

EJ7 Interlock {ST:DS9 | C}
Engineering tool used to open the access panels on critical systems.
Once per turn, you may open any closed Doorway present. Also, cancels movement restriction on Ore Processing Unit.

Ferengi Plasma Whip {ST:TNG | U}
Handheld Ferengi weapon. Fires high-energy plasma bursts.
Each of your Ferengi present are STRENGTH +2
OR You may "knock away" (suspend until end of battle) one of opponent's Equipment cards present. If opponent has no personnel present at the end of battle, you may steal any "knocked away" Equipment cards. (Cumulative.)

Handheld Transporter {ST:TNG | U}
Phaser-like device used by Baran and his crew to quickly transport artifacts to their ship.Can also be used to transport organic objects.
Once per turn, you may steal one Equipment card or Artifact played as an Equipment card present. If you have a ship or facility in orbit with a brig. you may instead capture one opposing personnel present. (Cumulative.)
It is NOT a phaser, it is "phaser-like" which means it is not a hand weapon. You cannot report it to the Security Office but Odo can use it.

Isolinear Tags {ST: INS | C}
Tiny transponder to permit tracking of objects despite external interference.
At any time, one of your personnel present and Isolinear tags are transported up to one of your ships present regardless of beaming restrictions. If you have a Son'a Shuttle here
you may beam up one of opponent's personnel as a captive.

PADD: Earth Guidebook {ST: DS9 | U}
Padd containing an interactive program detailing earth customs, culture and history.
Your personnel present may attempt any Earth mission and are CUNNING +2 there. Also, you may pass any Primitive Culture seeded there.

Son'a Body Enhancement Facility {ST: INS | R}
Stations aboard Son'a ships where Son'a undergo surgical facial and body rejuvenation therapies.
Disabled unless aboard a ship or facility. Once per turn, if MEDICAL
OR any tarlac OR any ellora present, reset the STRENGTH of one Son'a present.

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62nd Rule of Acquisition {ST:DS9 | U}
"The riskier the road, the greater the profit."
[Rule] Plays on a planet mission. If you have an Acquisition personnel present during mission attempt, mission is worth +X points where X is the number of dilemmas encountered and successfully passed at this location. Score no bonus points from dilemmas passed at this mission. (Unique, may not be nullified.)

102nd Rule of Acquisition {ST:DS9 | C}
"Nature decays, but latinum is forever."
[Rule] Seeds or plays on table. Gold-Pressed Latinum is immune to Disruptor Overload. Also, whenever you must discard any Gold-Pressed Latinum you may discard 1 less (minimum 1).

106th Rule of Acquisition {ST:DS9 | C}
"There is no honor in poverty."
[Hidden Agenda] [Rule] Seeds or plays on table. (Plays for free if you have an Acquisition personnel on table.) All players personnel lose all Honor unless they have scored at least 25 points or you have 10 Gold-Pressed Latinum in play.

239th Rule of Acquisition {ST:DS9 | C}
"Never be afraid to mislabel a product."
Plays if you have an Acquisition personnel in play. Opponent must discard one of their Equipment cards. Download another equipment card there for opponent to use. You lose points.
Point Box: [-2]

284th Rule of Acquisition {ST:DS9 | U}
"Deep down, everyone's a Ferengi."
[Rule] Seeds or plays on table. All non-Borg personnel gain [Ferengi].

Ablative Armor {ST:DS9 | C}
Protective skin designed to vaporize under weapons fire.
Plays on your ship docked at your facility. Ignore one
Æ from opponent's tactic targeting this ship each battle. (Captain's Order)

Amply Equipped {ST:TNG | C }
Federation starships are always well stocked in preparation for unexpected occurences.

Seeds or plays on table. Whenever you report any Kit Equipment card, you may download to that location a matching padd or tricorder. Also, your non-weapon, non-latinum equipment may report to your staffedx ships.
NOTE: Matching means that the kit and the padd or tricorder provide the same skill. Eg: Tricorder does match the Science Kit.

Blue Alert {ST:VOY | C}
State of readiness for landing on starships with planetfall capabilities.
Plays on table. While in play, cancels (discards) and prevents all Red and Yellow Alerts AND your staffed Birds of Prey or any ship capable of landing may land or take off using 1 range (for free if matching commander is aboard.)(Captain's Order)

Bynars Engine Enhancements {ST:TNG | U}
Binary race closely integrated with computers. Always work in pairs. Bynars have the ability to enhance specific computerized systems.
Plays on table. Bynars enhance each of your ship's RANGE +2.

CONN Station {ST:TNG | C}
On more recent Starfleet vessels the CONN officer is responsible for both helm and navigator functions.
Plays on your ship docked at your facility. While you have a Navigation personnel aboard, ship is RANGE +3 (+4 if a mission specialist). (Captain's Order)

Dataport Implant {ST:DS9 | C}
Computer interface implanted into a person's brain. Allows them to interface directly with a computer's systems.
Plays on any personnel. Personel gains
Computer Skill and if aboard any ship they may meet one additional staffing icon. At any time they may download Commandeer Ship or Assimilate Starship.

Dax {ST:DS9 | R}
Trill symbiont. Over 200 years old. Several of its hosts served as a field docent for the Trill Symbiosis commission.
Plays on or transfer to any personnel present with MEDICAL + Biology + Exobiology. Becomes a Dax persona. Adds [Nem, Red, R],
Dax: Diplomacy, Navigation, Anthropology, INTEGRITY +1 CUNNING +2 STRENGTH +1 (Unique.)

Graviton Pulse {ST:VOY | C}
Gravitational energy pulse. Can prevent transporter activity as well as knock a wormhole off its subspace axis.
Plays on a ship if you have ENGINEER or SCIENCE aboard or on another ship present, prevents beaming to or from ship.
OR Plays on Bajoran or Barzan Wormhole if you have a ship with ENGINEER or SCIENCE aboard, it is now closed. Wormhole re-opens or re-closes at the end of every third turn.

Micro-Wormhole {ST:VOY | C}
A wormhole whose singularity has mostly collapsed. Can traverse time as well as space.
Countdown Icon: [3]
Plays on any location. Download another micro-wormhole to another location (even a time location). Personnel and equipment may beam between owner's ships and space facilities at these locations if they have Transporter Skill x2 at one end. Does not countdown while Operate Wormhole Relays in play.

Microreplication Unit {ST:TNG | U}
An Exocomp's microreplicator allows it fabricate tools for virtually any task.
Plays on table. You may download any equipment card onto microreplication unit. Add the game text of the equipment to each Exocomp you have in play. You may return the equipment card to your hand at any time to download another.

Odan {ST:TNG | R}
Trill symbiotic slug. Federation diplomat. Once romantically involved with Beverly Crusher.
Plays on or transfer to any personnel present with MEDICAL + Biology + Exobiology. Becomes an Odan persona. Adds
Odan: Diplomacy, INTEGRITY +2 CUNNING +2 STRENGTH +1 (Unique.)

Rules of Engagement {ST:DS9 | U}
Even in times of war some principles must be observed as a point of honor.
[Hidden Agenda] Seeds or plays on table. Every battle, unless Treachery > Honor, in which a player kills a CIVILIAN (except any Lore or Khan) they lose points.
Point Box: [-5]

Surgical Scrubber {ST: VOY | C}
Medical device used to clean and disinfect a physician's hands.
At any time, you may place any seed cards in your hand out of play to draw an equal number of cards.

Tsiolkovsky Dedication Plaque {ST:TNG | C}
"The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot remain in the cradle forever".
Plays on table. At the start of every turn, each player loses 1 point (2 if non-CIVILIAN) for each personnel that player has on their matching homeworld.

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Facilities: Borg

Borg Unicomplex {ST:VOY | R}
TASK: House Unimatrix 01 while overseeing the collective.
[Delta] Seed one if playing Borg at any [Space] location. One Borg Queen or Counterpart OR anyone with "Unimatrix 01" in lore OR one [BO] card may play here for free. ÑTranswarp Network Gateway (Not duplicatable.)

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Facilities: Federation

Utopia Planitia {ST:TNG | R}
Shipyard in orbit of the planet Mars. The Enterprise-D was built here.
Seeds or plays at Mars. Spacedock may play here and its text applies to all Fleet Yard Spacedocks here.

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Facilities: Klingon

Ogat Training Academy {ST:TNG | R}
Type: Station
School where Klingon youths learned the warrior disciplines.
Seeds or plays on any non-homeworld [Klingon] planet location. Klingon Youth personnel may report here. Once per turn, a Klingon Youth here may learn (gain) one skill from any teacher (a non-Youth Klingon personnel) present and loses Youth.

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Facilities: Non-Aligned

Cravic/Pralor {ST:VOY | C}
Front: Outpost built by the Cravic in their war against the Pralors. Back: Outpost built by the Pralor in their war against the Cravic.
Front: Seeds at any
D location that doesn't already have a Pralor outpost. Once per turn, you may play a Cravic personnel or ship here for free. Back: Seeds at any D location that doesn't already have a Cravic outpost. Once per turn, you may play a Pralor personnel or ship here for free.
D -- WEAPONS: Front: 7 Back: 28 SHIELDS: Front: 8 Back: 27

Maquis {ST:DS9 | C}
Maquis outposts are built in the badlands to avoid Cardassian ships.
Seed one in the badlands or build there later if you have a [Maquis] ENGINEER present. [Cardassian] and [Dominion] may not use this facility. [Maquis] personnel may report here for free. For rest of game, your [Maquis] personnel may mix and co-operate regardless of affiliation. Facility and ships docked here are immune to Navigate Plasma Storms.

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Facilities: Multi-Affiliation

Dominion Central Command {ST:DS9 | R}
Affiliations: Dominion/Cardassian
Former seat of the Cardassian government. Control center for Dominion operations in the Alpha Quadrant.
Seeds or plays on Cardassia Prime. May replace Central Command. Any player may download Treaty: Cardassian/Dominion and it may not be nullified. Once per turn one Vorta, Gul or Legate may report here regardless of quadrant restrictions. OR one HQ card may play here for free. (Not Duplicatable.)

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Gambit {ST:TNG | U }
[Hidden Agenda] Seeds or plays on table. You may download a Mercenary ship to any space location and up to 2 [Non-Aligned] personnel to staff ship. Any Baran, Galen, Koral, Narik, Tallera, Vekor or Willian T. Riker may report aboard your Mercenary ships. Koral and William T. Riker gain [Non-Aligned] and Treachery. Where present your all-[Non-Aligned] Away Teams may earn Vulcan Stone of Gol pieces just encountered and may steal any in play. If you have all three pieces aboard the same ship at the end of any of your turns, discard incident and score points.
Point Box: [40]

Jem'Hadar Shroud {ST:DS9 | U}
Seeds or plays on table. At the start of personnel battles in which your [Dominion] Away Team is outnumbered, you may report to that location any number of Jem'hadar from your hand or Zalkonian Storage Capsule. You may discard incident at any time to download up to five Jem'hadar to any planet where opponent's personnel are present.

The Great Bird of the Galaxy {ST: NF | R}
Front: Countdown Icon: [5] Seeds on any planet mission with a point box worth 30 points or less. Mission is worth double points. Flip card over when countdown expires. (Not duplicatable.)
Back: Location and anything on planet here are destroyed (discarded) leave Mission card on spaceline for span reference. Moves toward and off far end of spaceline with RANGE = 6. Damages all ships and space facilities it passes. (Not duplicatable.)


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Adapt: Mission Specialization {ST:FC | C}
The adaptability of the Collective is one of its greatest assets and one of its most fearsome abilities.

[BO] You may replace a vBorg Cube it with any unique borg cube if its matching commander is aboard (download cube if necessary). OR You may return any borg drone to your hand to download a v[Communication], [Navigation] or [Defense] drone to that location.

Cryptobiolin {ST:TNG | U}
Chemical used by the Angosians during the Tarsian War to "improve" their soldiers.
Plays on a personnel (except Roga Danar) in your infirmary or if you have a hypospray present, they are CUNNING +1 and STRENGTH +2.

Desegranine {ST:DS9 | C}
Cardassian drug used to reverse memory loss.
Plays on a personnel in your infirmary or if you have a hypospray present, cures Frame of Mind. OR Nullifies a Memory Wipe on your ship if you bring a new MEDICAL or personnel with hypospray aboard.

Ferengi By-law 105 Subparagraph 10 {ST:DS9 | C}
"Upon reaching adulthood, Ferengi males must purchase an apprenticeship from a suitable role model."
Target an apprentice (a male Ferengi Youth personnel) and one role model (any non-Youth personnel present). They are both 'stopped' until the beginning of your next turn. At that time the apprentice gains two skills from the role model and they lose Youth.

Telepathic Memory Invasion {ST:TNG | U}
A form of assault on the Ullian homeworld. A form of telepathic intrusion. Puts the victim in a comatose state resembling Iresine Syndrome.
Countdown Icon: [3]
Plays on any personnel if you have a Ullian on the table. They are now in stasis. (Immune to Amanda Rogers.)

The Katra {ST: III}
The Vulcan concept of the soul. Vulcan custom is that when near death Vulcans are to mind meld with a friend who is to return the katra to Vulcan.
Plays on any personnel present where your Vulcan has just died. That personnel gains any skill from that Vulcan. Discard at any time if personnel is on Vulcan to score points.
Point Box: [10]

Photonic Cannon {ST:VOY | C}
In the Doctor's daydreams the photonic cannon destroyed a borg cube in one volley leaving no debris. In the 'real world', he used it as a successful bluff against the Hierarchy when they tried to attack Voyager.
Plays at the start of battle before tactics are drawn. If opponent has an officer with CUNNING < 8 or one of your personnel infiltrating aboard one of his ships immediately end the battle. All ships present may move to an adjacent location and are "stopped".

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Attend to Personal Matters {ST: TOS | U}
Vulcan: Return Vulcan crew member home for personal reasons.
[Planet] Any crew with a Vulcan may attempt.
Vulcan alone on planet + ship in orbit. Non-Vulcans are STRENGTH -1 here. Vulcans may report here.
Point Box [20]
Span: 2

Establish Subspace Relay Station {ST: DS9 | U}
Idran System: Construct relay station in trinary star system on the other side of the Bajoram wormhole.
G [Federation][Bajoran][Cardassian]
ENGINEER x2 + Ship with Tractor Beam and at least 2 staffing icons. Bajoran Wormhole must insert next to here. If you solve, you may download Operate Wormhole Relays.
Point Box [30]
Span: 4

Investigate Subspace Fluctuations {ST:TNG | U}
Alpha Onias III: Investigate rumours of a Romulan base on supposedly uninhabited Class-M planet.
[Planet] [Federation][Klingon]
OFFICER + SCIENCE + SECURITY + CUNNING > 25 + Any tricorder. At beginning of initial attempt, one personnel (random selection) placed under mission. [Barash] personnel may seed under here.
Point Box: [35]
Span: 3

Investigate Unexplained Outbreak {ST:TNG | U}
Hurada III: Investigate mysterious cases of Iresine Syndrome
[Planet] Any away team may attempt mission.
(MEDICAL + Empathy + Biology)
OR Ullian without Treachery. If you solve, you may immediately discard and prevent all Telepathic Memory Invasions.
Point Box [30]
Span: 3

Petition for Membership {ST: DS9 | U}
Sol System
Region • Earth: Visit the Federation homeworld and petition for Bajoran membership in the Federation.
[Planet] [Bajoran]
Diplomacy x3
OR 2 Vedeks OR any Kai Once solved, all [Bajoran] personnel gain [Federation].
Point Box: [25]
Span: 3

Promote Reunification {ST:TNG | U}
Romulus: Promote reunification of the Vulcan and Romulan peoples to the government on the Romulan homeworld.
[Planet] [Federation]
Diplomacy x3
OR [Federation] V.I.P. x2 OR Spock
Point Box: [25]
Span: 3

Recovery Mission {ST:TNG | U}
Minos: Search for survivors of the U.S.S. Drake on now uninhabited planet.
[Planet] [Federation]
OFFICER + (Diplomacy
OR Acquisition) Echo Papa 607 Automated Drones may play here as interrupts. If you solve, you may download to here one Echo Papa 607 Drone Equipment card.
Point Box: [30]
Span: 3

Relocate Populace {ST: INS | U}
Briar Patch Region
Ba'ku planet: Remove native population in order to harvest metaphasic radiation particles.
[Planet][Space] [Dominion][Federation]
Treachery x3 + Transport with holodeck (landed or in orbit with Transporter Skill aboard) + (SCIENCE
OR ENGINEER). Son'a Cellular Discohesion is suspended here. Any Particle Fountain played here is worth 10 points.
Point Box: [35]
Span: 5

Restore Planetary Computer {ST: TNG | U}
Bynaus: Repair and restore the Bynars' planetary computer system.
[Planet][Space] Any crew may attempt mission.
Ship with more than 2 staffing icons in orbit with (OFFICER x2
OR ENGINEER x2) and Computer Skill x2 aboard. Score doubled if skills come from only 2 personnel.
Point Box: [20]
Span: 2

Study Inversion Nebula {ST:VOY | U}
Inversion Nebula: Investigate seemingly stable inversion nebula.
D Any crew may attempt.
OR place one unique male in crew out of play.
Point Box: [30]
Span: 4

Trade Mission {ST:VOY | U}
Keloda: Deliver goods in a particularly dangerous region of space.
D [Ferengi][Non-Aligned]
OR Greed x2) + ship in orbit with WEAPONS and SHIELDS > 6
Point Box: [30]
Span: 4

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Khitomer Conference {ST: VI | U}
Seeds or plays on Khitomer. Your [Federation] and [Klingon] away teams may mix here regardless of affiliation restrictions and may attempt the mission with the following requirements: one [Federation] + one [Klingon] V.I.P. with Diplomacy and Honor
OR (Diplomacy OR Honor) x2. When solved, you may download Treaty: Federation/Klingon regardless of Computer Crash.

Rescue Operation {ST: TNG | U}
[Hidden Agenda] Seeds or plays on table. Download a [Command] OFFICER or V.I.P. with at least 5 skill dots to your opponents facility (into a brig if possible) as a captive. Your opponent may download a personnel to that location to escort captive. Rescue captive by sending a team of at least five personnel to opponents facility, kill or disable all personnel present with captive, have Computer Skill x3 or Croden's Key if captive in a brig. Then return captive to your outpost or headquarters. X = Rescued captive's attribute total.
Point box: [X]

Retieve Counterpart {ST:TNG | U}
[Hidden Agenda] Seeds or plays on table. Target your Borg opponent's assimilated counterpart. Personnel from your ships matching counterpart's former affiliation may beam to and attack target's crew or away teams. One of your personnel who engages target in combat may abduct target. If target is aboard your ship or Infirmary with your MEDICAL and Cybernetics present, you may probe: Icon for target's former affiliation: Personnel Retrieved: Place on target. Discard Assimilate Counterpart objective and score points. Target gains [Special Download] Sense the Borg and is STRENGTH +3 vs [Borg] and Rogue Borg. Otherwise: Resistance: Place probe card on bottom of draw deck. Your MEDICAL and Cybernetics present with target are 'stopped'.
Point Box: [15]

Trade Negotiations {ST:DS9 | U}
[Hidden Agenda] Seeds or plays on table. Place on a non-homeworld, non [Ferengi] planet mission you seeded. Your [Ferengi] Away Team may attempt mission using these requirements: (Daimon
OR Nagus) + Acquisition x3 + Greed x 4 + CUNNING > (point value of mission x2). When you solve, you may discard cards up to the number of Acquisition in your Away Team to download an equal number of Gold-pressed Latinum; discard objective.

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Personnel: Bajoran

Founder Leader Infiltrator {ST:DS9 | R}
Odo impersonated the Founder Leader in order to steal one of the Breen energy dampening weapons.
V.I.P. [Command][Dominion Infiltrator]
Treachery Leadership Exobiology SCIENCE Law SECURITY

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Personnel: Borg

Data of Borg {ST:FC | R}
Assimilated counterpart who nearly caused the assimilation of Earth. "The knowledge and experience of the Android - Data - is part of us now."
OFFICER Astrophysics Computer Skill x2 ENGINEER Exobiology May nullify Fractal Encryption Code where present. While on your ship, WEAPONS and SHIELDS +4 against [Federation].

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Personnel: Cardassian

Gul Evek {ST:DS9 | R}
Cardassian officer. Commander of the Vetar. Evek was responsible for the arrest of Miles O'Brien in 2370.
OFFICER [Command]
Leadership Diplomacy Anthropology Law May play Extradition as an interrupt where present.

Seska {ST:VOY | R}
Surgically altered cardassian. Altered to look Bajoran so she could infiltrate the Maquis. Once romantically involved with Chokatay.
CIVILIAN [Staff][Bajoran Infiltrator]
Treachery x2 Navigation ENGINEER [Maquis] while infiltrating.
Seska can report to the Maquis Outpost as an infiltrator for free.

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Personnel: Dominion

Ahdar Ru'afo {ST: INS | R}
Leader of the Son'a. Worked with Admiral Dougherty on a plan to evict the Baku from their homeworld.
OFFICER [Command][Son'a]
Treachery Leadership SCIENCE Biology Your [Son'a] personnel may work with [Federation] Treachery personnel.

vElora Female {ST: INS | C}
Representative of Elora worker class. Worked as indentured servants aboard Son'a spacecraft operating rrejuvenation equipment.
Biology Where present, Son'a Body Enhancement Facility may reset the STRENGTH of two Son'as

vSubahdar Gallatin {ST: INS | R}
Second-in-command of the Son'a fleet under Ru'afo. Representative of Son'a officers. Hated the Ba'ku people but couldn't condone genocide.
OFFICER [Staff][Son'a]
Treachery (if with any Ru'afo.) Honor ENGINEER

vTarlac Female {ST: INS | C}
Representative of Tarlac worker class. Tarlac women worked as indentured servants aboard Son'a spacecraft.
MEDICAL [Staff] when aboard a Son'a ship.

Weyoun 7 {ST:DS9 | R}
Seventh Weyoun clone. Ordered Jem'Hadar to fire on a Founder without their knowledge.
V.I.P. [Command]
Treachery x2 Diplomacy Leadership Law May initiate ship battles against [Dominion].

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Personnel: Federation

Calvin Hudson {ST:DS9 | R}
Longtime friend of Benjamin Sisko. Maquis Leader. Starfleet Attaché to the Federation colonies in the DMZ.
OFFICER [Command][Maquis]
Leadership Navigation Computer Skill Your other [Maquis] personnel present are each STRENGTH +2.

Calvin Hutchinson {ST:TNG | R}
Commander of Arkaria Base. Call him Hutch. Snappy conversationlist.
OFFICER [Command]
Leadership Biology May become "stopped" to "stop" any one personnel present.

Edward Jellico {ST:TNG | R}
Temporarily in command of the U.S.S. Enterprise in 2369. Known for his efficient, demanding style of command.
OFFICER [Command]
Leadership Diplomacy Honor May initiate battle against [Cardassian].

Emergency Command Hologram {ST:VOY | R}
Modified E.M.H. Program. In his daydreams,
The Doctor took command of Voyager after Captain Janeway was killed during a Borg attack.
OFFICER [Command][Holo]
One per ship or outpost. Does not join away teams.
You may download to any ship at the start of battle before tactics are drawn. ÑAny tactic OR Photonic Cannon
NOTE: Being a persona of an E.M.H. Program just means that it counts toward the E.M.H. Program's one per ship or outpost restriction and it counts as any E.M.H. for the U.S.S. Prometheus' download. You may download the E.C.H. to replace an E.M.H. Program.

Orfil Quinteros {ST:TNG | R}
Officer in charge of the Galaxy-class Starship Development Project at Utopia Planitia. Also oversaw computer upgrades of the Enterprise-D at Starbase 74.
OFFICER [Command]
Leadership ENGINEER Computer Skill ÑU.S.S. Galaxy (if aboard your facility.)

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Personnel: Ferengi

Goss {ST:TNG | R}
Daimon. Head of the uninvited Ferengi delegation during the negotiations for use of the Barzan Wormhole.
OFFICER [Command]
Greed Acquisition Diplomacy Treachery Wormhole Negotiations gains [Ferengi], |Ferengi| and 'OR Acquisition x4'.

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Personnel: Klingon

Kodrak {ST:DS9 | R}
Surgically altered human. Odo posed as a klingon receiving the Order of the Bat'leth on a mission to expose a changeling infiltrator.
SECURITY [Command]
Computer Skill Law Honor Once per game you may expose any [Klingon Infiltrator] Founder.

Koral {ST:TNG | R}
Extremely reserved Klingon smuggler. Detained by the Enterprise-D en route to a rendezvous with Arctus Baran.
CIVILIAN [Command]
Smuggling Navigation Archaeology Snappy conversationalists are attributes all -1 where present.
NOTE: Currently
the only snappy converstionalists are Mot the Barber, Sonya Gomez and Calvin Hutchinson.

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Personnel: Romulan

Kell Impersonator {ST:TNG | R}
V.I.P. [Staff][Klingon Infiltrator]
Covert Romulan agent posing as High Council emissary Kell. Worked with Taibak on the assasination atttempt of Klingon Govenor Vagh
Treachery ÑEspionage: Romulan on Klingon While in play E-Band Emissions may not be nullified.

T'Pel Impersonator {ST:TNG | R}
V.I.P. [Staff][Federation Infiltrator]
Selok posed as Vulcan ambassador T'Pel. She was transported to the Neutral Zone as part of a supposed Romulan peace initiative.
Treachery Diplomacy ÑEspionage: Romulan on Federation

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Personnel: Non-Aligned

00 and 11 {ST:TNG | R}
Two of the Bynars that stole the Enterprise in 2364. Oversaw the engine enhancements of the Enterprise.
00: Computer Skill, ÑBynars Engine Enhancements
11: ENGINEER, Physics, ÑDataport Implant

Arctus Baran {ST:TNG | R}
Ruthless captain of a Mercenary ship. Baran was hired by Vulcan isolationists to obtain the pieces of the Vulcan Stone of Gol.
OFFICER [Command]
Archaeology, Treachery, Exobiology, Greed Computer Skill
This is not a mistake. Arctus Baran does only have two skill dots.

vCravic Automated Personnel Unit {ST:VOY | C}
Sentient humanoid automatons built by the Cravic in their war against the Pralors. Neuter.
* [Staff]
D [Nemesis, Silver, Left]
*Select classification and one skill (except Youth or any intelligence skill) when reporting.

Cravic Automated Personnel Unit 122 {ST:VOY | R}
Neuter. Commanded a Cravic Vessel that encountered the U.S.S. Voyager in 2372.
* [Command]
D [Nemesis, Silver, Left]
*Select classification and one skill (except Youth or any intelligence skill) when reporting. Leadership

Inad {ST:TNG | R}
Ullian "telepathic historian". Visited Enterprise-D in 2368 with Tarmin and Jev.
V.I.P. No Staffing Icon
Prevents Telepathic Memory Invasion where present Empathy

Jev {ST:TNG | R}
Ullian "telepathic historian". Son of Tarmin. Arrested in 2368 for committing telepathic memory invasion.
V.I.P. No Staffing Icon
Empathy Treachery Ñ Telepathic Memory Invasion

vPralor Automated Personnel Unit {ST:VOY | R}
Sentient humanoid automatons built by the Pralors in their war against the Cravic. Neuter.
* [Staff]
D [Nemesis, Silver, Right]
•*Select classification and one skill (except Youth or any intelligence skill) when reporting.

Pralor Automated Personnel Unit 3947 {ST:VOY | R}
Neuter. Kidnapped B'elanna Torres and forced her create more of its kind.
* [Staff]
D [Nemesis, Silver, Right]
*Select classification and one skill (except Youth or any intelligence skill) when reporting. Once per game, may capture one personnel present.

Pralor Automated Personnel Unit 6263 {ST:VOY | R}
Neuter. Commanded a Cravic Vessel that encountered the U.S.S. Voyager in 2372.
* [Command]
D [Nemesis, Silver, Right]
*Select classification and one skill (except Youth or any intelligence skill) when reporting. Leadership

Premiere Bhavani {ST:TNG | R}
Head of the Barzan government. Held negotiations for use of the Barzan wormhole in 2366.
V.I.P. No Staffing Icons
Diplomacy ÑBarzan Wormhole

Tamal {ST:DS9 | R}
Maquis member who operated the Defiant's tactical console on the unauthorised mission to the Orias system.
CIVILIAN [Staff][Maquis]
SECURITY If aboard a [Federation] or [Non-Aligned] ship, its Tactical Console is +1.

Thomas Riker {ST:DS9 | R}
Posed as William T. Riker. Stole and commanded the U.S.S. Defiant to investigate a Cardassian military buildup. Gave himself up so his crew could return to the Federation.
OFFICER [Command][Maquis][Federation Infiltrator]
SECURITY Leadership Navigation Music May replace any [Maquis] selected where present.

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Personnel: Multi-Affiliation

Weyoun 6 {ST:DS9 | R}
Affiliations: Bajoran/Dominion
Sixth Weyoun clone. Disliked the way the war was turning and defected. Wanted Odo to create a new Dominion after the death of the other Founders.
V.I.P. [Command]
Honor Diplomacy Law When [Bajoran] May co-exist with another Weyoun. Your Ships present are WEAPONS and SHIELDS + 2 against [Dominion].

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Q-icon Cards:

Q {ST:TNG | R}
Type: Personnel
An immensly powerful extradimensional entity with near-godlike powers. Also extremely annoying.
Q Classification
Discard after any Q-flash or if any Guinan present.
If alone, immediately relocate to any of your crews or away teams. Your personnel are attributes all -2 and lose third listed skill where present. Once per turn, opponent may play top card from Q-Continuum here for free.
NOTE: [Q] personnel immediatly join the away team facing the Q-Flash.

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Ships: Borg

vBorg Probe Vessel {ST:VOY | C}
TASK: Scout for biological and technological distinctiveness to further attainment of perfection.
May report with crew to a Transwarp Network Gateway at any [Space] location (download doorway if necessary). [5]

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Ships: Cardassian

vHideki {ST:DS9 | C}
Small Cardassian patrol craft. Named, for some reason, after an Earth physicist.
Tractor Beam (cannot carry ships aboard).
ÑStrafing Run

Vetar {ST:TNG}
Commanded by Gul Evek during patrols of the demilitarized zone. Chased Chakotay's ship into the badlands in 2371.
Tractor Beam Once per game, score bonus points when solving Patrol Demilitarized Zone. [5]

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Ships: Dominion

vSon'a Battleship {ST: INS | U}
Warp-driven starship used by the Son'a. Commanded by Ahdar Ru'afo during a confrontation with the U.S.S. Enterprise-E in 2375.
Tractor Beam

vSon'a Shuttle {ST: INS | C}
Small spacecraft capable of atmospheric flight used by the Son'a. Capable of launching isolinear tags.
Tractor Beam, Once per turn, you may download Isolinear Tags at the start of battle involving your Away Teams at this location.

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Ships: Federation

U.S.S. Prometheus {ST:VOY | R}
Prototype advanced Federation destroyer. Commandeered by some Romulans, and later by a pair of holograms.
Tractor Beam Holodeck
ÑHull Separation OR any vE.M.H.

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Ships: Klingon

IKC So'taj {ST:VI | R}
Prototype Bird-of-Prey commanded by General Chang. Could fire torpedoes while under cloak.
Cloaking Device (May fire WEAPONS while cloaked.) May receive ATTACK bonus from Photon Torpedoes.

vKlingon Shuttle {ST:TNG | C}
Klingon craft also used by smugglers and the like. Koral commanded one.
No Staffing Requirements
No Ship Equipment

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Ships: Romulan

Talvath {ST:VOY}
Science vessel commanded by Dr. Telek R'Mor. Encountered a microwormhole in 2349 and communicated with the crew of the U.S.S. Voyager of 2371
Staffing Requirements: [AU]
Ship Equipment:

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Ships: Non-Aligned

vCravic Vessel {ST:VOY}
Vessel used by the Cravic in their war against the Pralors.
[Nemesis, Silver, Left]
No Ship Equipment

vPralor Vessel {ST:VOY}
Vessel used by the Pralors in their war against the Cravic.
[Nemesis, Silver, Right]
No Ship Equipment

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Club Martus {ST:DS9 | R}
Plays on: DS9 or Terok Nor: Ops Module | Promenade | Habitat Ring | Docking Ring
Non-Borg personnel with Greed or Acquisition may report here regardless of affiliation. One Alien Gambling Device may be played here (as if earned from a mission, it may not be moved or nullified, its text may be used at any site at this facility). Royale Casino and Quark's Bar side games may be played here as Event cards.

Command Center {ST:TNG | U}
Plays on: Utopia Planitia: Control Center | Systems Area | Spacedocks
Compatible OFFICER-classification personnel may report here. Orfil Quinteros may report here for free. Once each turn any player who has a matching [Command] OFFICER unopposed here may, in place of one card draw, download to hand one Captain's Order card (Captain's Log, Lower Decks, Senior Staff Meeting, Yellow Alert or any card so marked). Any Computer Skill personnel unopposed here may commandeer station.

Drafting Room 5 {ST:TNG | U}
Plays on: Utopia Planitia: Control Center | Systems Area | Spacedocks
Compatible ENGINEER-classification personnel may report here. Leah Brahms may report here for free. If controller has a [Federation] ENGINEER here they may download any Galaxy-class ship to Fleet Yard Spacedock instead of a
v ship.

vFleet Yard Spacedock {ST:TNG | C}
Plays on: Utopia Planitia: Control Center | Systems Area | Spacedocks
Any ship may dock and undock here if ship is compatible with station's affiliation. Matching commanders may report here if their ship is docked here. Once per turn, controller may place a card from hand on the bottom of their draw deck to download a compatible
v ship here (docked). Capacity 1 ship. Tractor Beam.

Holosuite {ST:DS9 | U}
Plays on: DS9 or Terok Nor: Ops Module | Promenade | Habitat Ring | Docking Ring
Has a Holodeck. [Holo] cards may report here. Any player who has a non-[Holo] personnel present may probe: Any affiliation icon, [Holo], [Equipment]: Run Program. You may download one [Holo] card to this location. [Event], [Interrupt], [Incident]: Holodeck Malfunction: Opponent may download any number of [Holo] cards to this location and Disengage Safety Protocols and initiate battle against your personnel regardless of affiliation battle restrictions.

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Breen Energy Dampening Weapon {ST: DS9 | U}
Attack: + 0
Defense: + 2
ATTACK bonus +3 if a Dominion-compatible ship firing,+4 if a Breen ship. Hit =
òÆ. Direct Hit = òÆÆÆ. Otherwise, causes electromagnetic disruptions (ò).
EM Burst: Until the end of your next full turn, WEAPONS and SHIELDS are disabled.

Echo Displacement {ST:VOY | U}
Attack: +0
Defense: *
*Opponent uses WEAPONS value from only one attacking ship present (random selection) when computing his ATTACK value. Hit =
ÆÆ. Direct Hit = ÆÆÆÆ.
Tactical console damaged: Randomly kills one SECURITY personnel (on a Nor, one personnel in Security Office). Also suspends any Tactical Console on ship.

Hull Separation {ST:TNG | U}
Attack: + 2X
Defense: + 0
X=2 if an Ambassador, Constitution, Excelsior, Galaxy or Soverign-class ship firing, X=3 if a Prometheus-class ship firing, otherwise X=0. Hit =
òÆ (òÆÆ if Prometheus-class). Direct Hit = òÆÆÆ.
Casualties: Randomly kills X personnel (on a Nor, X personnel of opponent's choice at any combination of sites).

N'yengoren Strategy {ST:DS9 | U}
Attack: + 1
Defense: + 1
ATTACK bonus +5 if attacking a planet-based facility (+6 if a Klingon ship firing). Hit =
ÆÆ. Direct Hit = ÆÆÆÆ.
CONN Station damaged: Randomly kills one Navigation personnel (on a Nor, one personnel in Ops or any Docking Site). Also suspends any CONN Station on ship.

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