You might consider me vain for posting this chunk of my website before much other stuff is complete, but frankly, it's the easiest part to do, and if anyone's curious about and wants to know what sort of stuff to expect from here in the future (i.e., is it worth my time to check back here?) this is the place to check. So ha.

Name: Alice Ecker

Residence: DeForest, WI

Age: 18 (I'm a libra)

Pets: cats, Twiggy and Iggy

Single?: No, current dating Craig Weber.

Job/School: Just finished my senior year of high school and my sophmore year in college. Previous jobs have inluded paging in a library, tutoring microbiology, sales rep/clerk at Claire's, and sales associate at Hot Topic. Currently, I'm functioning as a secretary/webmaster for a former professor of mine...I held this job through the spring semester, and I'm working during the short, 3 week "interm" session for him as well, which involves 3 weeks during the summer. Also, I'm going to be doing web stuff for MATC. Yay. :)

Car: Melissa, the light gray '90 Toyota Camry :)

Computer: Currently, a custom built PC (translation: I got the pieces seperately to satisfy my needs, and my friends and I assembled it). I'm looking to acquire a late model Mac of some sort if I can. I like having options. However, I don't anticipate acquiring another computer until I have money or someone buys it for me...and I don't anticipate that happening for at least another 4 years. That's ok. I love my computer. And I have a Palm m100. It's GREAT. It's my favorite toy ever. Jester, Jozer, and Inle (Craig) got it for me for my birthday. Thanks guys. :)

Hobbies: Signifigant consumptions of time currently include gaming (two weekly AD&D games and a more irregularly scheduled Shadowrun Game), the internet (mostly just reading random things, nothing special), beading (I make painfully delicately beaded bags and jewelery; it aggrivates my wrists so I don't do it too much), watching tv (mostly MASH), reading (duh), various and sundry knitting, sewing, and beading projects (yeah, webdesign and knitting aren't kosher together, I know). I used to write a lot, but I don't do that much any more.

What do you want to do with your life?: Currently, I aspire to achieve a Ph.D in Microbiology, perhaps a twin degree in Theater or something completely unrelated like that :) The specific projects and developments which I most wish to be involved in are attempts to develop microbes to process dangerous wastes into more useful compounds and the creation or modification of similar microbes to be used in pre-terraforming processes on other planets; it's a ways away, I know, but we can start laying the groundwork :)

What do you hate?: Ehhh. Carrots, religious fanatics who refuse to accept my choice of atheism, tags on clothing that itch the back of my neck, dealing with people I don't like because I have to (don't ask me why I worked in retail, I don't get it either), not being treated as an equal, feeling left out of stuff. Stuff like that. In case you haven't noticed, I'm a bleeding heart liberal. Well, not entirely, but that's the best description I've found so far.

Are you going to update your homepage more often, as you periodically promise to?: *sigh* Yeah....'spose so....