Here are random photos of my friends and me. They're not well labelled, unorganized, and pretty useless right now, but I'll get around to fixing it someday.

High school Alice.

Michael is Invisible. Sort of.

Tom and me, not to long after we'd started dating in early '99 (We broke up earlier this year (2001) and are not really speaking right now. It's a very long story).

Josh is distraught!!!

Michael and me, back in the day, going to his junior prom.

Josh steps lively...across the cafeteria.

The skyline of Baltimore. I think it's pretty. This was taken about 5 years ago, when I visited it.

Another Baltimore photo. I made a point to visit Edgar Allen Poe's gravesite. It's a beautiful cemetary, if you're ever in town, go visit it.

Betsy & Josh at my 16th birthday party.

My friend RJ, who I haven't actually seen in a while.

Photo of me taken when I was in 8th grade and my hair was dyed black. That's Twiggy, the demon kitty, in my lap. He's grown quite a bit since. :)

More Twiggy.

Twiggy again!