
November 15th, 2001
Another month gone by. Yeesh. I wonder if anyone reads this? Let me know, I really want to know, otherwise....otherwise, I'll probably not update it any more often than I do now. Uhm, anyway...yeah. School, stress. Stressystressstess. There has been some fun. 'Bout two weeks ago, Matt L., Craig, Staci, and I packed up and went to Dan's Con of the Vale II to play Living Greyhawk modules, mostly...I'll probably add more stuff about the RPGA and Living campaigns to my website later. For now, go check out the RPGA homepage (find it via yahoo or something) for more info. Anyway, that was good. I got to play Portia, be weird and hyper, and everyone there got my jokes. Or most of them. My wrists hurt, and my hands ache, and I need to write up stuff for the Shadowrun game I'm running tomorrow...eh....Grrr. I really wanted to write for a while tonite. Well, rest assured, I'll add some more quotes soon as I can (I have more, definately)....until then, stay cool.

October 6th, 2001
I just realized that it's like 1:30 in the morning. How did that happen? Yeah. So, college has been kinda neat. I mean, yeah, I did college for two years, but that was kinda high school for big kids.... :) I should say, the UW has been kinda neat. I like my classes unanimously, which is cool. Chem 103 has been a little on the easy side most of the time, but I really can't complain, and the first test had moments of difficulty. Debate is just plain cool. German I has been interesting...definately a challenge. It's so starkly different from French, which I had 3 years of....but I suppose that'll keep me from getting words confused. My SR campaign is slowly forming from the primordial ooze that all RPG groups come from....probably something similar to pizza. I'm happy. And I just bought near mint copies of Harlequin and the Denver Box Set (this will only mean something to SR players) for a song at a local used book store; I looked them up on ebay out of curiosity, because I knew Harlequin was rare...and...let's just say that if I'm ever desperate for cash to make rent (or cable modem bill, once I'm out of the dorms), I will Ebay them off. Or maybe just take them to GenCon and ask around :) The internet connection here is godly--yay T1. The food is good. The roommate is good. Craig (boyfriend) was really sick last week--such that I was getting quite worried for his wellbeing--but he's gotten much better. We're prolly gonna hit Rocky Horror again this weekend, I'll get a little homework done, we'll do a little more character creation for the SR game and for the game Athena's gonna run....it'll be neat. BTW, I doubt anyone cares, but I'm going to DCV II in Milwaukee this month. I'll be playing Portia PounceQuick. Woo! I think that's it for now. Working on more humor stuff, and I'll probably post an online thingy that I'll try to update weekly, explaining what went down in the most recent campaign...thought it'd be neat (I often find myself wishing we'd done the same for other games, like Craig's last D&D campaign, which ran for just short of a year...and especially for the Elven campaign Matt L. ran). Alice out. Peace!

September 3rd, 2001
Hi! Lots to say. I'm all moved into my dorm at the UW-Madison, and...I guess it's kinda neat :) I'm adjusting slowly. Classes start tomorrow. I'm starting a Shadowrun campaign this fall that I'm looking forward too (or at least I will, as soon as I feel prepared...anyone got a copy of SR III to lend me? :) Uhm, yeah...so, roommate's ok, life is ok, I just have to keep reminding myself that home is only 10 miles away. Craig has been excellent and patient and drove me home the other day so I could see my kitties and my parents...so life is ok. Oh, and we went to GenCon. Obviously that was like a month ago now, but...wow, was it cool. :) Wahoo! Later.

July 15th, 2001
Have I mentioned lately that I suck at updating my webpage? Or did I have to, since I'm certain you can guess from the fact that it hasn't been updated in forever.

I'm all registered at the UW-Madison, I know who my roommate is (but haven't talked to her yet), my housing is paid for the first semester, and I start in early September. Wooo. Craig's computer has been wonky so I haven't been able to get any photos from him (like, from my graduation ceremony back in May)...but that'll happen someday. And maybe I'll post some gaming stuff. Yay? I hope so.

I'll be back, probably with some new things to post, in the next few months. Later.

May 13th, 2001
Geh. It's been....a longer time than I thought since I updated this thing. Geh.

Well, things have been busy, so I can't really guilt-trip myself too much.

I worked this semester as an office assistant for a former prof of mine. It was fun! Well, kinda. I got to design/create/run his webpage for the class he taught, Animal Biology, and do other more secretary-like stuff. It paid alright (best wages I've ever gotten, actually...which is sad, since it's only 6.65/hr). I'm sticking around to run the website for his Ecology class...it's an "interm" summer school class, which means it starts the week after finals are done, and ends 3 weeks later...it takes place during the interm between spring and summer semesters. So, since the class is so short, and since he wants the site to be helpful to the students, I'll be updating it daily. Yay job!

It also looks like I'll be doing some webdesign work for MATC itself this summer...they want me to work full time for them. It's more or less just organizing the information, which they have barrels of, and getting it online in a simple, easy to understand way. I can do that :)

School was wacky. I took Calc II, Oral Interpretation, General Microbiology, and Basic Drama: Costume Seminar, for a total of 14 credits. I'm done with everything except for the Calc II final, and I have to show up for another hour of Oral Interp. so that people can finish their final projects in front of an audience. Woo.

I did a play, Exit the Body, and Deforest High School....just did props and costumes this time. It was....kinda fun. More stress than it was worth...I think, unless the situation were very different, I will stick to acting and directing, when I can get it.

I broke up with Tom. It had been coming for a long time...and...I just didn't feel the same about things anymore. I wasn't having fun anymore. I took about two months off from dating people in general...and then went out with Craig, Tom's now former best friend. I don't know that they'll ever talk again. I don't know that I'll ever talk to Tom again, either. I think things will settle down eventually. There are a lot of messy personal details I could go into, but I'd really rather not. Suffice to say that it wasn't pretty.

What else. It's summer, and it's beautiful out. Craig and I have been going to garage sales every weekend, and we hit the zoo and the farmers market already this season already. However, there haven't been nearly enough neat thunderstorms. Hopefully this will be remedied soon.

Ok, I think that's enough for now :) I have to update some other pages. I have access to a scanner and a digicam on a reliable basis now (one via work, one via Craig), so I think I can probably scare up some photos for stuff. Cya, kids.

December 24th, 2000
Hey. Well, a few things have happened.

Gaming this weekend kinda died, but that's ok. There was just too much going on. I wouldn't have gone even if it had gone through....I spent last week with a raging case of something. I woke up on Monday, at 2:30 in the morning, and puked my guts out...and things went downhill from there. I've eaten a total of maybe 5,000 calories since...and I still feel exhausted. I'm trying to sleep off the last remnants of whatever it was. Anyway, yeah...uhm...Jester is moving up to Fond du Lac at the end of this week. I don't really know how I feel about that. At least he's somewhat proximal to my locale. Oh, I got accepted to the UW Madison. I don't really feel compelled to apply anywhere else now, which is bad. Maybe I should consider something in Toronto. It would get me the hell away from George W.

I'm getting distrated on tangents. Ok, uhm....important stuff. I'm going to be working for my former microbiology professor as an office assistant next semester. There are a few experiments he wants me to run so he can show results to his classes without having them do the work, as well. I'm honored, frankly. My last day at Hot Topic is January 13th, last I talked to my manager. Never again will I work retail at Xmas.

I'll be adding more quotes soon, and if all goes as planned, some photos...

Later, kids. Drive safe.

December 6th, 2000
Today has been special. This week has been special. In general.

Right now, I'm in Fond du Lac, working from my close, happy buddy Jozer DevNull's computer. He's working for an internet startup company called heywhatever.com; they make and promote webpages for companies. Well, that's the idea, at least. They're sort of in the embryonic stages of company-hood, but I think things are going to work out well. Anyway, Jester and I drove up here today. The company owner wanted to meet him--on Jozer's reccomendation--and since we rarely get to do stuff anymore, I'm along for the ride. However, Jester just got out of a two hour initial interview, and Jozer just disappeared with him back into the owner's office to go over some more stuff. *Shrug* Hence, I am left to my own devices in Jozer's office. He's basically living here right now, but that's ok. It's all good. Anyway. Things are looking good for them. Looks like I may have secured a job for next semester--only a couple hours a week, but it's neat, more on that later. I'm going to go update the quotes pages with stuff I've recorded off my Palm m100 now. granted, I still have about 4 pages of handwritten stuff to type up and load, but I will get to that eventually. Peace.

December 1st, 2000
*blink* Wow. October and November went by in the blink of an eye. Well, I suck, and I barely updated anything during the past couple months. I think I added a few quotes (I have about 3 more pages to post). My friends, Jester and Jozer DevNull, are cooler than I am, and got the Neuromancers website *and* server (yay! you guys kick ass!) up and running. Visit it at Neuromancers.org, and find out what it's all about. (Oh, I have been upgraded to a full Neuromancer member, Jester and I are no longer gimps. The membership lists just haven't been updated in forever.) What else. Yeah, so...I'll try to get some more stuff posted to the RPG humor page. I'm updating the "about Alice" page today. I think I can get Guffey to let me post his incredibly cool and useful Shadowrun House rules sometime soon, and I'll get more photos up. All over Xmas break, of course. Personal Updates: I'm still dating Tom. I'm still in college, and I am still a sales associate at Hot Topic. Yay woo yay. Please send me email. I like hearing from people. Alice out.

September 30th, 2000
Ahhhhhhhh! Yeah. Theater, college, working at Hot Topic. Things like that. In about November I'll start working more on the page again. Til then, sorry.

September 9th, 2000
Uhm....ehrk. Well, I work at Hot Topic now. I start actually working next Tuesday. It's not great pay, but I'm finally working somewhere I think I'll feel better adjusted to work, and they understand the importance of gaming (and don't think it's some sort of satanic ritual). I also auditioned for a M*A*S*H at my high school today. I'm basically guaranteed a part (I'm a senior) but I don't know how big it'll be. I know I'm not student directing (*sigh*) but....I suppose I should act again. I guess I'll just try to enjoy it. Yeah. And I'm doing all sorts of paperwork for college and scholarship type things. And then there's that whole "school" thing...so I won't be doing much with this page in the next 2.5 months or so. I might add some fish spells, definately some quotes, and I just might get the Serious RPG pages up and running, but apart from that....not much. And the gallery. But no promises. I have to go relax now; I have a day of calculus homework and gaming tomorrow, so I need to get some non-exciting type relaxing in. Goodnight.

August 30th, 2000
Blah! It's 10:00AM. I'm at school, of course, and I just finished posting the first incarnation of the Fish Spells page under RPG humor. It needs some work, I only have 3-4 spells up, but I think they're amusing. Maybe I should actually add a link to it now :) Anyway, yeah, I got hired at Hot Topic. Other stuff is happening too, which I'll write about later...plays and scholarship things and stuff. I've got some 60-80 hr weeks ahead, between school and work, but I *really* want to work on this page, so I'll make time.

August 28th, 2000
Blah. It's 12:48 central time, and I'm 2/3 done with my first day of school. Botany Lab didn't happen today, so thankfully, the first day has been just a little simpler than anticipated, reflecting my current mental state (simple.) I have another page of Quotes to post (yay!), the product of 2 SR sessions and 3 AD sessions. Oh, and AD 3e is fantastic, I love it, I endorse it, I actually shelled out the $20 to get a copy (actually, $16, cuz the entire gaming store was on sale)....Yeah. No real updates to the homepage. I'm just lettin ya'll know I'm still alive. I hope to get photo(s) of the gaming group up in the next week, aformentioned quotes, and....well, that's good for now. No need to be overly ambitions, especially with 1) classes starting 2) job training for Hot Topic prolly starting next week 3) auditions Thursday for a play which I'll certainly be involved in and 4) social life, i.e. gaming and boyfriend-person. Yes. Indeed? Celery. Tapioca India, flourescent bandage mask hands. Naked Pool Frogs. Um, check back next week. Sorry. *nerp*

August 20th, 2000
This morning (at around 5 AM) and yesterday, I managed to throw together a tolerable list of facts about myself (see "About Alice"), I added a few quotes (well, one), and I thought about what I wanted to do with this page some more. Really. I think I'll add some links.

August 18th, 2000
In an effort to continue improving this homepage, I've instututed an updates page. If you're really interested in this sort of thing, it'll be interesting to you. Otherwise, I'm gonna use it to remind myself about stuff which I need to do...at the moment, that's basically everything. Yech.
Last night/this morning, I created the frames, did some work on moving directories around, etc, and basically set things up to make it easier to motivate myself to do updates. The RPG humor page consists of the quotes right now. The Alice page has nothing of value. This page is in its infancy, and...yeah, I need to do some work.