Realm of Darkness

What's new

June 23, 1998
Added Battlestar Galactica Web Ring.

June 9, 1998
Added new 3D graphics of Boba Fett ship (Slave I) to the Boba Fett Arts section.

June 5, 1998
Added many new 3D graphics of Cylon ships to the Cylon Arts section.

June 3, 1998
Changed the main page and what used to be the Database with a completely different interface now called Databank. Added feedback and Arts section and new 3D graphics and pictures.

In the next couple of weeks I will add a lot of new 3D graphics, so make sure you come back often.

November 3, 1997
Added new information on the Cylons, based on the new Battlestar Galactica novel Armageddon, and a new link for updates on the Battlestar Galactica Revival Campaign in the support section.

September 28, 1997
Added Lightsaber info in Darth Vader's section and modified "The Official History of The Borg".

August 24, 1997
Added the Locutus Award to the Award page.

August 19, 1997
Added a page and banner for the organizations I support.

August 14, 1997
Added the Borg segment to this site, and a few names in the Special Thanks section.

August 9, 1997
Added the three new Awards this site won, an award page and a few links.

August 8, 1997
Added the Galactic Empire Web Ring.

August 7, 1997
Just completed the Darth Vader segment. I also added the Star Wars community logo on the main page.

August 1, 1997
Added the first Award I won and The Mandalorian WebRing.

July 30, 1997
Completed the Boba Fett segment and added a few links.

July 18, 1997
Although at that time this page was not complete, all I had was the Cylons segment, I decided to put it on the Web so that people can enjoy it right away and send me some feedback while I worked on the rest.

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André Jacques
Copyright © André Jacques 1999 all rights reserved

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