The Rules and Regulations of The Futurist Group

Standing Order #1

Organizational by-laws, as presented to Charter Members on 3-28-97:

"Standing Order #1 calls for the formation of an official group with those present at the 3-28-97 meeting acting as founding, or Charter Members, for the group.
Standing Order # 1 is the official name for the by-laws ratified and accepted by the Charter members. The intent is for group meetings of members for the planning of activities for the benefit and enjoyment of all."

Ratified 3-28-97 Updated 7-18-97, 4-5-99










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The Futurist Group exists for the purpose of promoting friendship and well-being through the strengthening of existing friendships, and the creation of new ones, by providing a group that works toward the creation of organized activity for individuals with similar interests. The said organizational activity will structured in accordance with the group dynamic, whose primary purpose will be to build on existing trends, as well as predict future trends, if necessary bringing about certain desired outcomes thru the direct intervention of the group activity.


The Futurist Group is made up of Charter Members, Members, and Associate Members.

CHARTER MEMBERS are those individuals who attended the organizational meeting of 3-28-97, and who have the rights and privileges as listed in this document.

MEMBERS are those individuals who have joined TFG since 3-28-97 and are granted rights and privileges as listed in this document.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERS are any individual wishing to participate in TFG activities.

A President-elect(as defined in this document)presides over the organization.


1) Meetings are attended by the Charter Members and Members monthly on the second Friday of each month, at a Location as determined by the President-elect.

2) Charter Members are allowed to bring an Associate Member as a guest with a request presented to the President to the Charter Membership at the previous meeting.

3) Discussion at the meetings will revolve around an agenda presented by the President(or by a Charter Member, with prior approval from the President).

4) A Majority (at least 51% of TFG Charter Membership) must be in attendence for a meeting to take place.

5) The President is responsible for the opening and the closing of Meetings.


Currently, only Charter Members, and specially appointed Members, may vote.


There are two types of offices; elected, and appointed. Elected offices are held by Charter Members. Appointed offices are held by Charter Members, and Members. There are currently three elected offices: President, Vice-President, and Treasurer. There is currently one appointed office: Activities Director.

THE PRESIDENT presides over meetings. He is responsible for opening and closing the meetings, and for coordinating with the Activities Director for the presentation of the agenda at the meetings. The President will present long-term plans for the group, and will hear grievances from Charter Members. The President will send out newsletters as needed. The President is responsible for appointments to positions, including Activities Director. The President may choose to take on the duties of this appointment himself, if desired.

THE VICE-PRESIDENT acts in place of the President if he is unable to attend the meeting. The Vice-President will fill that role to the best of his ability until such time as the President can resume his duties. If the President is unable to resume his duties, the Vice-President will replace him. A special election will be held to elect another Vice-President.

THE TREASURER collects all fees for activities from all participants in the group, where fees are applicable. He disburses funds to the President, and Activities Director, as needed. The Treasurer also tracks expenses for the group, working closely with the Activities Director to stay on-budget. The Treasurer issues expense reports to the President as needed.

THE ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR is responsible for coordinating with the President in the creation of a schedule of activities to be performed by the group. He is responsible for sending out the activity report, as needed, to all members of the group. He is also the secretary of the meetings, taking notes as needed, and acts as the primary contact person for all participants in the group.

Terms of any elected office are one year. Elections are held annually the first week in November, with installation beginning January first. Charter Members are elected to office by a majority vote of their peers. Appointments to offices will be held the first week of January by the newly installed administration. Additional Appointments may be made at any time as needed by the Charter Membership. An individual may not hold the same elected office for two consecutive terms. Appointments may not be held for more than two terms.


Motions for items to be voted on must be presented by the President to the Charter Members. For the motion to be voted on, it must be seconded by another Charter Member.

A motion must be ratified by a majority vote (at least 51%) of the Charter Members present for it to pass; excepting special issues as appropriate, where the vote must be unanimous.


Grievances may be brought to the President by a Charter Member at the next meeting, when appropriate. Members and Associate Members may contact the President directly, or their Charter Member Sponser, who will then make contact.


No Charter Member may be removed from the group by another Charter Member. Expulsion of a Charter Member requires a unanimous vote by the full session of the remaining active Charter Membership. Just cause for the proposed expulsion must be provided. A Charter Member may choose to relinquish their rights and privileges for reasons of their own.

For all Members and Associate Members, a majority vote (51%) by the attending Charter Members is required before expulsion from the organization. Members and Associate Members may choose to relinquish their rights and privileges for reasons of their own.

Expelled individuals will not be allowed to attend meetings or join in activities sponsored by the organization, or individuals, of TFG.

An appeal can be made within two weeks of the notification by the expelled individual to the President for a review by the Charter Membership at the next meeting. Decisions made on an appeal will be final.

Depending on the circumstances, an individual may have their membership in TFG placed in a "Reserved" status. While not an expulsion, the restrictions are identical. However, an appeal can be made at any time to the President for presentation to the Charter Membership at the next meeting. A unanimous vote is required for reactivation of the membership of the individual.


[see def. of office]If an elected office, the next official in line will assume the duties of that office, and a special election held. Since assuming the office in this manner does not count as a full term of that office, the individual may runfor that office again at the next regular election.

In some cases, a member may be asked to assume the role of a Charter Member. This Member will have all the rights and privileges of a Charter Member. A unanimous vote of the active Charter Membership is required for this appointment.

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