The purpose of this page is to settle a problem that comes up every time the rebel flag is mentioned; People who want it to be taken away from everything. Taken from history? How can you take away history? Its there no matter how bad you want it to be gone. This flag shows no hatred towards anyone. It does nothing on its own. An object cannot hate. This flag stands for the Confederate States, which were not based on hate if I read my history book correctly. Maybe slavery was wrong, maybe it wasn't. It doesn't matter. This flag doesn't stand for slavery. This flag stands for all those who fought a war for a cause. Whether the cause was right or wrong makes no difference. These men died for a cause that they believed in. These men were my ancestors. These men were both black and white men fighting for a cause that they believed in so much, they gave their lives for it. And to those who find offense in this flag, I feel sorry that you have to hurt yourself by looking at an object. I feel sorry that you are so caught up in your self that you can't see what others may be feeling. I get a sense of pride from it. Pride that I was born in the south and will always be here. I don't hate anyone. I only dislike those who try to push their ways on other people with no regard to the feelings of others. Complaining constantly about something only hurts yourself and if you're in to hurting yourself then go right ahead and hate me for only stating what I feel. I hope the flag stays up in South Carolina but if it doesn't, I'm not going to go out and complain because its not there. No matter what you do with the physical object, you can't take it out of the minds of those who know what it really means. Thanks for wasting your time reading this.
PS- I don't apologize for anything that may offend anyone because its not meant to be offensive.