Ok, so I just got back an hour ago from seeing Episode One: The Phantom Menace, and I thought I'd say a few words about it, specifically the words "OH", "MY", and "GAWD". This was one phenomenal movie, and definately a major point in my life as a Star Wars fanatic. The first third or so of it was a little disappointing, the dialouge was rather choppy in that part, but not "bad" or warranting bad reviews by any means whatsoever. The computer graphics were magnificent throughout the whole movie... the scenery was tearfully beautiful, especially Naboo, and Coruscant was breathtaking. The only thing I had a problem with in the movie was the immense cheesiness which is Jar Jar Binks. I mean, its ok to have a cheesy character or two to add a little humor (just look at the droids in the trilogy) but i think they went a little overboard with poor Jar Jar. It's one thing to have him trip and fall down, but its another thing to have him knocking everything over at Watto's, and getting his hand stuck in the podracer, and getting his foot stuck in the stirrup of that thing he was riding, and speaking like a cross between a Jamaican and a drunk Italian. I dunno, I just wished they had toned him down just a little. On a lighter note, Queen Amidala was simply captivating whever she was on the screen... she had a great presence and the most fabulous costumes ever designed for anyone. And ooohhhhh the fight scenes... wow. Those were the most amazing duels I have ever seen in my life. The jedi duel between all three of them was simply awesome, as was the one between Maul and Obi-Wan. Just wow. I do also wish that there had been more of Darth Maul in the movie, maybe to take the place of some of those cheesy Jar Jar scenes. I felt like I had already seen all of the Darth Maul scenes in the previews and on tv, which was annoying. I think that the movie would have been a lot more enjoyable if I hadn't already seen so much of it on shows like Access Hollywood. And face it, its real hard not to watch those shows when they promise behind-the-scenes Star Wars stuff. So I felt a little jipped on the surprises. But oh well, it was still great. I don't think I blinked for at least an hour there during the last half. Needless to say, all the critics who hated it are complete morons, and shouldn't be allowed to live, much less see Star Wars movies before they come out. If you haven't seen it yet, go, go, and go again... and may the Force be with you :)
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