ACTION FIGURES: EPISODE ONE: Collection 1: Battle Droid (light coloring, clean) Battle Droid (light coloring, battle scored) Battle Droid (light coloring, looks blasted) Battle Droid (dark coloring) Qui-Gon Jinn (jedi dual) Queen Amidala (Naboo) Darth Maul (jedi dual) (2, one in box and one out) Anakin Skywalker (Tatooine) Padme Naberrie Jar Jar Binks Obi-Wan Kenobi (jedi dual) Collection Two: Watto (2, one in box and one out of box) Senator Palpatine Ric Olie Darth Sideous (2, one in box and one out of box) C-3PO Collection 3: Boss Nass Chancellor Valorum Gasgano and Pit Droid Ki-Ai Mundi Mace Windu Deluxe Assortment: Obi-Wan Kenobi Qui-Gon Jinn Darth Maul POTF2 WITH FLASHBACK PHOTOS: Luke Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi R2-D2 Yoda Princess Leia Emporer Palpatine POTF2 WITH FREEZE FRAME SLIDES: Bespin Han Solo .01 Biggs Darklighter Lak Sivrak Ugnaughts Ewoks SHADOWS OF THE EMPIRE: Prince Xisor Luke Skywalker (imperial guard disguise) Dash Rendar Leia in Boushh Disguise .00 Chewbacca ORANGE CARDS: Princess Leia .00 (2 stripes on belt) Lando Calrissian Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker (dark vest) Obi-Wan Kenobi .01 (short saber/tray) Luke Skywalker in Dagobah Fatigues (short saber/tray) C-3PO Stormtrooper R2-D2 Luke Skywalker in X-wing pilot gear .01 (short saber/tray) Han Solo in Carbonite .00 (with carbonite freezing chamber) Chewbacca Yoda .00 Darth Vader .00 (short saber/tray) Luke Skywalker .00 (short saber/tray) Boba Fett .01 (full circles on hands) TIE Fighter Pilot .02 Han Solo in Hoth Gear (open hand) POTF2 GREEN CARDS: Bib Fortuna .00 Snowtrooper AT-ST Driver .02 R5-D4 .01 (L-shaped button) Dengar Han Solo in Endor Gear .00 (blue pants) Emporer's Royal Guard Jawas .01 Tusken Raider .01 (closed hand, package in bad shape) Bespin Han Solo Chewbacca Weequay Skiff Guard .01 Han Solo Luke Skywalker in Stormtrooper Disguise .01 Grand Moff Tarkin .00 Death Star Gunner .01 Luke Skywalker in Hoth Gear .01 Ponda Baba .01 Darth Vader .02 Emporer Palpatine .01 Obi-Wan Kenobi Greedo Malakili Hoth Rebel Soldier .01 Admiral Ackbar Garindan Luke Skywalker in Ceremonial Outfit .01 Sandtrooper .01 2-1B Medic Droid .00 Bossk .00 Rebel Fleet Trooper .01 *Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker Special Edition Thearter Release for ROTJ:SE* EXTENDED UNIVERSE: Grand Admiral Thrawn Luke Skywalker (from Dark Empire comics) EPIC FORCE COLLECTORS FIGURES: Darth Vader Luke Skywalker Princess Leia C-3PO Boba Fett POTF2 OUT OF BOX: Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker (dark vest) Momaw Nadon Hoth Rebel Soldier Darth Vader (flashback photo pose, missing lightsaber) Princess Leia in Ceremonial Outfit EPISODE ONE OUT OF BOX Darth Maul Darth Sideous Watto OTHER EPISODE ONE STUFF I HAVE: Jedi vs. Sith poster 6 ballpoint pens Darth Maul Rubix cube Episode One Scrapbook Micro Machines die-cast metal Royal Starship Glow-in-the-dark Jedi vs. Sith puzzle Huge Episode One 20-month Collectors Calendar CommTech chip reader Trade Federation Droid Fighters Darth Maul t-shirt Darth Maul Beach towel Episode One soundtrack Episode One novel, with the Darth Maul cover Episode One graphic novel 3 of the Taco Bell posters 1 of the Taco Bell cups several of the Taco Bell game medallions 2 Gungan Sub Squirter toys from KFC Poster from Computer Gaming World magazine Poster from Collector's Universe magazine Darth Maul mini-poster from ToyFare magazine Episode One Heroes and Villians Poster magazines Episode One coloring book OTHER STAR WARS STUFF (none of which is still in box): Darth Vader's lightsaber Stormtrooper room alarm Blaster Pistol (which i did a nice paint job on) 12 inch Talking Emporer Palpatine and Imperial Guard STAP and Battle Droid Slave One (the big one) Die-cast metal TIE Fighter Micro Machines 3-pack (Slave 1, Cloud Car, Medical Frigate) Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 that came off the top of my birthday cake Stormtrooper yo-yo Ronto and Jawa 6-inch R2-D2 (with retractable front leg) Micro Machines Boba Fett head playset Boba Fett coffee mug Boba Fett Hallmark collectors christmas ornament Boba Fett watch with Millenium Falcon case (in box) Chewbacca beanie buddy Max Rebo beanie buddy Star Wars stickers Star Wars, ESB, and ROTJ flipbooks Day-by day 1998 calendar ROTJ collectors edition poster 2 coloring books, heroes and villians ESB patch Revenge of the Jedi patch Special Edition pin for theater employees About 300 Movie Facts brochures featuring SW:SE with bios and trivia Several posters that came in a booklet of heroes and a booklet of villians ESB:SE movie poster Star Wars Original Soundtrack on vinyl (in great shape, still has paper and fan club info inside... thank you Steve) ESB movie script A whole bunch of those little hologram thngs that came in the Doritos for Special Edition Star Wars keyboard wrist wrest AHN and ESB special edition soundtracks Shadows of the Empire Soundtrack A pack of SW:CCG cards Star Wars pencils Boba Fett postcard Mos Eisley SW:SE trading card Star Wars Monopoly board game (2, one played, one in plastic wrap) Star Wars Monopoly computer game Star Wars Rebellion computer game countless magazines Shadows of the Empire in hardback The New Rebellion in hardback 2 sets of star wars valentines from 1998 and 1999 X-wing stationary Diplomatic Corps Entrance Exam Star Wars Action Figure Archive Special X-Wing Rouge Squadron comic book given out on the first day of ESB:SE Star Wars: A New Hope issue 1 of 4 comic book, signed by cover artist Dave Dorman Luke's X-wing (Dagobah) with stand and tiny Luke and R2-D2 who can sit in it, which features moss and slime appearance and was a ToyFare exclusive. (I have 2)