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I have created a new site at www.skygrazer.com. I will leave the Draggle's Lair up but I won't be updating it anymore so please click here to go to the most current version.

Covered In Clay

Altoid Tins

This is an Altoid tin covered in clay. I first covered the top with a layer of marbled purple, making sure not to obstruct the hinges, and then baked. I did the same for the bottom and rebaked. Then I attached the Granitex braid on the side and used purple and green clay that had been mixed with a little of the grey Granitex for the roses and leaves. I used Sculpey diluent to make sure the raw clay adhered properly to the baked clay.
Warning! Remember to bake with the box OPEN, otherwise you may have to chisel the lid free to open it. Now how do you think I found that out? :)

This is my version of Balinese Filigree on an Altoid tin. I first put on a thin layer of black as a base and then used strings extruded from my clay gun to form the patterns. The four black beads on the top are hematite.

Same Altoid top as above but highlighted with silver Treasure Gold and sealed with Future. Treasure Gold is a metallic wax that comes in several colors.

Bottom of same tin.


I got this tiny glass bottle at our first RIPCG clay day. I made a Skinner blend of blue and pearl clay, cut out little circles with a straw, placed them on a portion of the same sheet, ran it through the pasta machine a few times, cut that sheet into small rectangles and placed it on another and ran it through the pasta machine again. Can you tell I was experimenting?


This is a 4 inch glass votive candle holder covered with translucent clay and gold leaf crackle. The rose and leaf cane directions can be found on PCC. This looks much better in the dark - in a good way! Candle light shines through the roses and leaves and the spaces in the crackle. I need to get a picture of it since its rather difficult to scan a lighted votive directly.

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