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I have created a new site at www.skygrazer.com. I will leave the Draggle's Lair up but I won't be updating it anymore so please click here to go to the most current version.

Figures and Doodles

Animals and Critters

These bears are some of the first things I did in clay.

Cartoon type cats.

More lunch hour doodles.

Zoo animals. I made the little elephant for my husband and the rhino to keep him company.

The snails were made from scrap clay and the dragonfly was coated with Pearl-ex powders.

Sad eyed puppy.


I got Maureen Carlson's book on making characters out of the library and this is my first, and so far, only attempt. The book is excellent - don't let this example convince you otherwise. But when she suggests using a firmer clay than Sculpey III and using a pasta machine to roll out sheets for clothing, I have to agree with her. :)
Now that I have both, and hopefully more patience so that if the clay gets too sticky I can actually let it sit, I need to get the book out again. Hopefully I can do a bit better the second time. At least with the face, although by that time I was so aggravated with trying to make the folds in the dress that I didn't take as much time as I should have.

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