(by Shahed Baig)

Sura-e-Fatiha (Wav) Adhan (Real Audio) Adhan (MP3)  Sura-Yaseen Ayat Al-Kursi
Islamic Links World of Bismillah Beautiful Mosques Songs by Yusuf Islam Muslim News Sites Wrath of Allah (in pics)
Quran Audio Myth & Reality  What Islam has to say on My Heroes Spend Your Life according to

Good brief info on What is Islam  

My Favourite Sites:                                     

On Islam 

Quran Audio

Myth & Reality 

What Islam has to say on : 

Allah's Wrath comes when Oppression(Zulm) goes beyond limit





Under Construction
My Heroes (Personalities who have influenced my life) 

  1. Prophet Muhammed () The Last of the Prophets (Major Events and a short Biography of his life)
  2. Umar bin Khattab () the Second Khalifa (Link 2)
  3. Abu Bakr Siddique () the First Khalifa
  4. Ali bin Abi Talib () the Fourth Khalifa
  5. Sultan Salhuddin Ayyubi (rah)
  6. Emporer Aurangzeb (rah)
  7. Sayyid Qutb
  8. Hassan al-Banna



Spend Your Life according to :

  1. QUR'AN (The source of Guidance)
  2. SUNNAH (The life and teachings of Holy Prophet Muhammed ()
  3. Life of Companions of Prophet
  4. IJTHIHAD (the process of making judgment based on Quran, Sunnah)
  5. Ijma (consensus of religious scholars)
  6. Qiyas (divine analogy)

Points 1,2,5,6 form the basis of Islamic Law.


Quotes : 

Take benefit of five before five: 

  1.  Your youth before your old age, 
  2.  Your health before your sickness, 
  3.  Your wealth before your poverty, 
  4.  Your free-time before your preoccupation, and 
  5.  Your life before your death. 

[al-Haakim, al-Bayhaqee, Saheeh] 

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