Hi y'all! Since you clicked on my personal info link, you probably have either a lot of spare time, or you delight in checking out other people's tiny existence. =) Well, here's the bio:
Name: Andrew Erickson
Sex: Male
Age: 19
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 175 lbs.
Hometown: Clinton, Ct.
Status: Sorry, ladies... a Texan has run away with my heart!
Interests: LBH, USMA, Star Wars, Star Trek, Christianity, Action/Adventure Movies, 007, Oldies, Soundtrack music, helicopters, guns, knives, unarmed combat, military tactics, HAVING A GOOD TIME! Helping people in need.
Extra-Cirriculars: BSA, Eagle Scout, OA, SWC, Crossed Paths Christian Radio, Singing, Guitar! Chapel Choir, Cadet Band.
Occupation: Lifeguard/Swim Instructor; Cadet, USMA.
School: United States Military Academy, West Point, NY.
What I'm doing after Graduation from the Point: Hopefully Aviation... If not, I hope I don't live that long! :-) j/k