Seed Deck: (30)
Missions: (6)
Military Exercises
Brute Force
Investigate Rumors
A Good Day to Live
Bat'leth Tournament *2
Other Seeds: (12)
Q's Tent
Battle Bridge Door
Space-Time Portal
Empok Nor
Neutral Outpost
Klingon Outpost
Invasive Beam-In
Mission Debriefing
Sisko 197 Subroutine
Assign Mission Specialists
Examine Singularity
Primitive Culture/Founder Secret/Odo's "Cousin"
Flaxian Assassain/Primitive Culture/None Shall Pass
Lack of Preparation/Borg Ship/Cytherians
Unscientific Method/Interphasic Plasma Creatures/Maglock
Friendly Fire/Unscientific Method/Berserk Changeling
Common Thief/Berserk Changeling/Assassain's Blade
Sites: (6)
Security Office
Guest Quarters
Docking Pylons
Ore Processing Unit
Q's Tent: (13)
10 and 01
Arbiter Of Succession
Memory Wipe
Red Alert!
Commandeer Ship
Reflection Therapy
Ready Room Door
Defense System Upgrade
The Traveller: Transcendence
Invasive Beam-in
Alpha Attack Ship
Battle Bridge Side Deck:
Whatever you feel serves you best. Nothing special to the deck in other words.
Draw Deck: (64)
Doorways: (6)
Q's Tent *6
Objectives: (1)
Process Ore
Kivas Fajo-Collector *3
Bynars Weapon Enhancement
Captain's Log
Defiant Dedication Plaque
Kevin Uxbridge *2
Amanda Rogers *2
Distortion of the Space-Time Continuum *2
Palor Toff *2
Escape Pod
Honor Challenge
Bat'leth *2
D'K Tahg *2
Klingon Disruptor
Klingon Disruptor Rifle
Science Kit
Medical Kit
Engineering Kit
Ships: (6)
Alpha Attack Ship
IKC Bortas
IKC Negh'Var
IKC Hegh'ta
IKC Lukara
IKC K'Vort
Narik (AMS)
Roga Danar
Korris (AMS)
Jadzia Dax
Worf Son Of Mogh
K'chiQ *2
Whew! Large draw deck, huh? But not to worry, simply follow these simple steps (I feel like a home renovation guide.) 1) Download your two mission specialists, and download Deactivation. This can be used to stop an all holo-deck or someone jumping the gun with Red Alert, but it's more valuable for Processing Ore with. :-) It essentially removes the only downside of Processing Ore, the discarding of a card.
2) Q's Tent for 10 and 01 if you suspect your opponent has a Computer Crash or two up their sleeves. They'll be forced to use them while you get 10 and 01 from your tent, leaving you free to download to Empok Nor when you try to.
3) Spacedoor in the universal K'Vort to the Neutral outpost which is as close to Empok Nor as possible.
4) Commandeer. Download a whole slew of weapons especially. :-)
Start processing Ore and reaping all the other myraid benefits of having your very own Klingon-controlled Nor.
Eventually, what you'll want to do is download an Alpha Attack Ship to your Neutral Outpost and tent for a Memory Wipe. Combine the two for a set of invasive transporters your Klingons can use to board your opponent's ships and pick a number of very nasty fights with all those beautiful weapons. The weapons you download from Empok Nor will give each of your Klingons strength plus 10! Never mind if you manage to get Kor or Kahlest out...
Reflection Therapy is in the tent only in the event you run across a Borg Cube. Simply beam over K'chiQ and a not-so-honorable Klingon, play Reflection Therapy on some drone skill sharing with the rest to give them Treachery. Then beam over a whole slew of angry, honorable Klingons and play Klingon Honor Challenge. Grin.
Captain's Log:
I just thought of adding this bit here. This is a little section where I can share little anecdotes about my game(s) with this deck against opponents.
I just have to say right here, that Kavok is pretty darn neat. I actually used all of his abilities in one game against a Fed opponent. They had an empty ship sitting at their outpost, so I casually reported him, downloaded Commandeer ship and made off with their Nebula. Which also came in handy as I ended up using it to attack their other Nebula when it undocked, which, combined with a good draw from my battle bridge side deck, ended up spelling a lot of trouble for my opponent. Man, it's fun being aggressive Klingons!
Possible Additions/Changes to this deck:
Ways to beat this deck:
All in all, I was amazed at how fast this deck was to get to work. I found that by turn 5 or 6 I was already out there beating the tar out of poor defenseless Feds. :-) By turn 10-12 I could turn to solving my mission resting comfortably in the fact that my opponent wouldn't be coming back any time soon...
A Klingon's dream....
Suvmeh 'ej charghmeH bogh tlhInganpu'
"Klingons are born to fight and conquer."