Kahless' Online Trading References
Well, here's a list of my net refs, as promised. :-)
In no particular order, we have:
Jeremy Sher
Randy Smith
Greg Dabkowski
Frederick Baril
Major Phil
"Aaron Johnson"
Mike Stirnem
Ed Picard
Patrick-Jean Guay
Andreas Mang
John Shepardson AKA (the dr.)
Michael Chambers
Pike of GAB's Blue Team
Adam Castic
Jean-Gabriel PRAT
Matthew B. Howell
Mark Dykeman
RD Fischer
Ray "Megaman" Hashman
Damon Williams
Shawn Walsh
Dave Brown
Tuan Nguyen
John Bateman
Gregory P. Stawarz Jr.
John Kane
Goetz Boedder
Gayle Jeske
So now that you've seen my list of net refs, be sure
to stop by my
Star Trek Trading List
and my
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