All I Need To Know About Life
I Learned From
Star Wars

the pic
Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try * Anger, fear and aggression lead to the dark side * In seeking your destiny, patience is your ally * ALWAYS let the Wookiee win! * When judging people, size matters not * Traveling through hyperspace isn't like dusting crops * There is no such thing as luck * Don't underestimate the Force * You must follow your own path, no one can choose it for you * Keep your promises, even if they take you far, far away * Pass on what you have learned * If it smells bad on the outside, it's worse on the inside * The possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1 * Wars do not make one great * Faith in your friends is a strength, not a weakness * In you pursuit of peace and justice, remember, the Force will be with you...Always!

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