Free Graphic Stuph

Please take the time to read the following:

After years of filching graphics from others I have finally figured out that I have enough know-how to make my own. So now I'm offering you some so that you can filch off me!

AS ALWAYS: please do not profit from my stuph. Please do not include my stuph in any for-profit web sites or collections of artwork you intend to sell. If I am nice enough to give them away for free, you should be too.

If you wish to include any of these images in a free collection, or on your free graphics page, please email me first at so that I may feel warm and fuzzy inside that you like my stuph.

As for using my images on your website, go right ahead. You do NOT HAVE to link back to me, because I know that can be a cumbersome pain in the A. Again, if you do use my graphics please email me so that I may be warm and fuzzy. You don't have to sing my praises, maybe like, "hey I'm using your stuph." That kind of thing.

DO NOT LINK THE GRAPHICS FROM THIS SITE! I enjoy my quiet corner here at geocities and do not want to start problems with bandwith. If you do not know how to download a graphic to your own computer then upload it again to your own web site then you have no buisness having a web site. That's a really basic skill. If your web page is here at geocities, just use the file upload utility, I mean, what is simpler than that???

As I'm just starting out, I don't have a whole lot of stuph accumulated, so here are some links to free graphics sites that I think are good. Some of them I have used graphics from here and there on my own site.

Now that all that is out of the way, here is the stuph.